- コントローラがデバイスに接続されていることを確認します。
- ファームウェアが最新で、コントローラーが接続されている場合は、SYNCボタンを押してコントローラーをリセットします。
- 他のボタンを押してコントローラを起動します。
- SwitchのHOMEメニューで「設定」を選ぶ
- 「コントローラーとセンサー」を選ぶ
- 「入力デバイスの動作チェック」を選ぶ
- 「ボタンの動作チェック」を選ぶ
- ジョイスティックとコントローラーのボタンのテスト
- ボタンを押すと、スクリーンに表示され、ボタンが機能していることを知らせてくれます。
ご注意: このテストでは、次のボタンはチェックできません。:
- HOME ボタン
- キャプチャボタン
- 電源ボタン
- 音量ボタン
- 同期ボタン
- ボタンテストに合格したにもかかわらず、特定のアプリやゲームの実行時に問題が発生する場合は、以下の項目を試して下さい
- ゲームの説明書を見て、Proコントローラーとの互換性を確認します。
- コントローラをNintendo Switch本体に近づけたり、コントローラとSwitch本体の間にあるものを移動してみます。
- 無線干渉しそうな他の無線機器がある場合は、その機器を他の場所に移動してみます。
- 可能であれば、別のゲームコンソールでPro コントローラーをテストし、Switch側に問題があるかどうかを確認してください。
- ボタンのテストでボタンに問題が見つかった場合は、 ボタンの交換ガイドを参照するかコントローラーを修理に出してください。
- 手順1: デバイスの電源を切って、綺麗な状態の歯ブラシとイソプロピルアルコールを準備してください。
- 手順2: アルコールを歯ブラシに含ませてください。液体によってデバイスにダメージを与えてしまうことがあるため、少量で十分です。
- 手順3: ジョイスティックの下を歯ブラシで丁寧に磨いて、そこにある可能性のあるゴミ/汚れ等を除去します。
- 手順 1: 付属のJoyConコントローラーで、ホーム画面のコントローラーメニューから”グリップ/オーダーの変更”を選択します。
- 手順 2: Proコントローラーの上部にある同期ボタンを、コントローラーのライトが点滅し始めるまで長押しします。
コントローラーがNintendo Switch本体と正しく同期していない可能性があります。
これを解決するには、”コントローラー” → ”新しいコントローラーをペアリング” → ”すべてのコントローラを切断” → ”再接続”を行ってください。
必要なツール: ペーパータオル、消毒用アルコール
これらの翻訳者の方々は世界を修理する私たちのサポートをしてくれています。 あなたも貢献してみませんか?
翻訳を始める ›
27 件のコメント
Where can I get my nintendo switch pro controller repaired? Everything works except the wireless part. It won't sync no matter what I do. Only works plugged into the switch. I've done every troubleshooting guide I could find to no avail.
rainbowlindy - 返信
I have the exact issue! did you get it fixed?
Keaton Hulme-Jones -
Same issue. Works on cable, but reporting low battery. Does not work when disconnecting from cable. I tried replacing battery.
Marcus Assarlind -
Same for mine
God5Gamer YT -
Can anyone help my pro controller has its player1 light on yet not sync to my switch and it won't respond what ever
Anthony Jordan - 返信
My switch controller works when nintendo is not docked but won't work in the dock on my smart tv
lbell460501 - 返信
When I move my hand. My whole screen moves with it without touching a button on a wireless pro controller. Can anyone assist on fixing this ?
Frank Rec - 返信
Does anyone know how I can reattach sync button on the motherboard. The button got very loose from pressing it too hard and fell off.
Slava B. - 返信
My controller wont power on, but none of the sections address my issue. No batteries will turn it on, and there is no charging cable. It is a pro controller and it simply does not power on when its buttons are pressed. I have tried a great number of solutions but to no avail. I have consulted forums and other websites like them and nobody else seems to be talking about this issue.
Jack Fitzpatrick - 返信
Get a charging cord for it, then try pluging it into the switch dock. Then, turn on the switch, and see if it turns on.
Jack Warner -
My pro controller works great, except for one flaw. The left thumbstick doesn’t pull back to the center easily when i move toward the left. I have a temporary fix where I move the thumbsitck around excessivly every so often, but I was wondering if there is a perminant fix for it. Thank you.
Jack Warner - 返信
My controller works perfectly on every game except payday 2… it says its compatible
Miles Boustead - 返信
We just bought a wx4 Nintendo controller and it won’t power on, we aren’t sure if we are maybe not pressing the right buttons but we have tried charging it incase it maybe needed charge but it still hasn’t turned on , because off this we can’t sync it up to the Nintendo
Cerys - 返信
How do you wake the switch with the pro controller ?
Deanna Hepner - 返信
My joystick on my Controller is stuck on the Up direction, even when the stick is straight. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
AJ Westwell - 返信
For some reason the lic pro controller has bluetooth but it can’t connect ever well it does but it isnt recognized like the normal pro controller is. So therefore it does not work with bluetooth
domininic prantera - 返信
My pro controller does not display sound please help!!
Eleanor Lose - 返信
I have a wired controller, and every time it connects to the doc, the home button flashes, then turns off. But every time I plug it in it does this. And it isn't random flashing either. It's the same, consistent rhythm and number of flashes. But then it turns off and refuses to connect to the doc. Anybody know what's going on? Absolutely no article talks about this
StarWhal156 - 返信
my switch pro controller keeps lighting up when my switch is not even on what do I do it only does this at night
Aidan Molina - 返信
Looking for some help here, my pro controller for the Nintendo Switch will not connect, whether it be wireless or wired. I have tried resyncing it, syncing via wired connection, making sure that it fully charged, different USB ports on the dock, using a USB-C to USB-C cable and connecting directly to the switch outside of a dock, etc. When trying to pair it wirelessly, the player number lights will flash briefly but won't do anything past that, same when wired. The only thing different fro the last time I used it is that the blue ring around the HOME Button is constantly illuminated. after research I found that the blue light will turn on after the controller was connected to a PC or from Alarm notifications. I have not set up any alarm notifications nor have I connected it to my pc. Battery was completely drained in between last use and current state, about 8 months time frame between use. I don't want to have to by another one, but I have run out of ideas. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Matthew Hiltz - 返信
Hi, did you ever find a fix for this? This is the exact issue I currently have and I can't seem to find any answers anywhere online
Richard Pugh -
yes, though what worked for me was leaving it for a few months for the battery to completely discharge and then plug it into the switch to charge it and now I have no problems. This may not be your fix of choice, but it worked for me.
Matthew Hiltz -
Controller will work fine when plugged in. Won't hold a charge (charge cable is fine). Replaced battery and same issue. Any ideas?
Dave Marshall - 返信
the d pad on my pro controller isn't working right when I press left on the d pad it wants to go up instead of the proper direction
gyrobomber327 - 返信
Is there anyway to get a pro controller to stop pressing the back triggers even though I'm holding them down? It's only the triggers
Fox Onesie - 返信
Cant even get my pro controller to connect USB or wirelessly it's my first time hooking it up it won't sync no matter what I do it just flashes I've tried everything I've read really disappointing when I just got the switch and the controller just to find out I can't use it
Ted Taylor - 返信
So what do I do when the controller makes up inputs?
If I'm holding A + zR and then press B it also activates L.
Example: playing mariokart then needing to brake a little in a drift causes me to use my items.
Toby Cruz - 返信