Coffee Maker Will Not Brew Coffee
Coffee maker is not plugged in
Check to make sure your power cord is plugged in to the outlet. If it is plugged in, and the clock display does not activate, you may have a faulty power cord. See replacement guide.
There is no water in the reservoir
Check the transparent panel on the side to see if there is water in the reservoir. If not, fill with desired amount of water.
Filter basket is not placed correctly
Check to make sure the filter basket is correctly placed in the coffee maker. If it is slightly offset, simply rotate it until you feel it settle into its slot.
Decanter is off center
Adjust the decanter so that it is sitting, centered, on the hot plate.
Valve is clogged
If your coffee maker sounds like it is brewing, yet brews nothing, you may have to dislodge debris from the valve. See our guide to replace the valve in your coffee maker, and once you have the valve out, simply rinse it of debris. Make sure to place the valve back the way you took it out. If placed back the wrong way, it will not let water pass through.
Coffee Maker Brews Slowly
Your coffee maker brews, but brews slowly or does not finish cycle.
Coffee maker needs to be cleaned
Water from your tap can build up calcium and minerals deposits in your coffee maker. To clean, run a solution of vinegar and water at a 1:1 ratio through your coffee maker: set it up to brew a full 12 cups (6 cups vinegar and 6 cups water). After you run this through your coffee maker, run two full cycles of plain water. You should repeat this process every 40-80 brews, depending on how quickly your coffee maker builds up these minerals.
Valve is clogged
If your coffee maker is brewing slowly, the valve may be clogged and you may have to dislodge debris from the valve. See our guide to replace the valve in your coffee maker, and once you have the valve out, simply rinse it of debris. Make sure to place the valve back the way you took it out. If placed back the wrong way, it will not let water pass through.
There are Grounds in the Coffee
After your coffee maker brews, there are grounds in the coffee pot.
Filter basket is not placed correctly
Check to make sure the filter basket is correctly placed in the coffee maker. If it is slightly offset, simply rotate it until you feel it settle into its slot.
There is too much coffee in the filter basket
You may be putting too much coffee in the filter basket when brewing your coffee. This may cause some of the grinds to splash up and over the filter. Ideally, you should only put 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per six ounces of water.
There is a damaged filter basket
Check to make sure that your filter basket is not damaged in any way (e.g. cracks or holes in the plastic). If you have a damaged filter basket you may need to purchase a new one.
There is Water Around the Base of Coffee Maker
There is water outside the decanter or surrounding the base of the coffee maker.
Filter basket is not placed correctly
Check to make sure the filter basket is correctly placed in the coffee maker. If it is slightly offset, simply rotate it until you feel it settle into its slot.
Too much water in reservoir
Make sure to not fill the reservoir above the “max” line, as the reservoir is equipped with overflow slots that will leak if overfilled.
Cracked or broken water tubes
The rubber tubes that pass the water through the coffee maker may be damaged in some way. If they are cracked, or have holes, you need to replace them. See our replacement guide.
Damaged O-rings
The O-rings that hold the heating plate in place may be damaged. See our replacement guide. Note that this problem will likely accompany a problem with the hot water tubes as water should not be in the mechanical part of the coffee maker; the water tubes are the only part that carry water to different sections of the coffee maker.
Cracked or broken base
Examine the base of your coffee maker. If you notice any cracks or holes you need to replace it. See our replacement guide. Note that this problem will likely accompany a problem with the hot water tubes as water should not be in the mechanical part of the coffee maker; the water tubes are the only part that carry water to different sections of the coffee maker.
Coffee Tastes Like Plastic
Coffee brews normally, but has a plastic-like taste or odor.
Coffee maker is new and needs to be cleaned
If the coffee maker has been recently bought, or it has not been used very much since it has been bought, the plastic tubing that the water runs through may leave your coffee tasting like plastic. One solution is to run a cleaning cycle through your coffee maker. To clean, run a solution of vinegar and water at a 1:1 ratio through your coffee maker: set it up to brew a full 12 cups (6 cups vinegar and 6 cups water). After you run this through your coffee maker, run two full cycles of plain water.
Coffee is Cold
Coffee maker brews, but brews cold, or the coffee becomes cold after brewing.
Automatic shut off has activated
If your coffee has been sitting in the decanter for longer than two hours, the automatic 2 hour shut off has activated. Select "brew now" to reactivate heating plate.
Faulty heating element
If your coffee is brewed cold, or cools extremely quickly, you may have a faulty heating element. Why is my coffee cold?.
Coffee is Weak or Watery
Your coffee brews, but the brew is "weak," or does not have that much flavor. Especially weak coffee will be noticeably lighter than a regular or strong brew.
Your coffee maker is set to "regular"
The BVMC-SJX33GT features a "strong brew" setting. If you prefer a stronger brew, select the "brew strength" button until the strong brew indicator lights.
Not enough grounds are being used
Ideally, you should use 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per six ounces of water. If using 1 tablespoon or less, try using 2 instead.
Grounds are too coarse
If the grind of your coffee is too coarse (not ground fine enough), it will produce a weaker brew. This is not an issue with the coffee maker, but rather the coffee you are brewing. To produce stronger coffee, grind your coffee more finely or purchase a coffee with a finer grind.
Water does not soak through all of the grounds
Due to the off-center positioning of the water spout, water may not soak all of the grounds, which leads to weaker coffee. The easiest way to ensure that water soaks all of the grounds is to use the Mr. Coffee "water filtration system," a filtration disk that sits over the grounds and filters the chlorine from the water. Because it sits above the grounds, water from the spout more uniformly spreads over the coffee grounds to wet them. The "water filtration system" can be found here from the manufacturer and replacement disks can be found here on Amazon.com.
39 件のコメント
My coffee maker just will now brew. I have had it for about 4 months now. I set it to auto brew the other day, the coffee was ready the next morning & now I can't get it to brew. Any ideas?
linda - 返信
Mine wont brew after just 8 months. glass and filter are positioned correctly. no sounds no nothing.
rocknnnroll - 返信
Mine lights up and everything. Won't brew or make a sound. Worked fine yesterday.
Nikole Louder -
Same thing it won't do anything, no sounds either.
Tena Wilkinson - 返信
i did everything to make sure that the valve was cleaned my coffee pot still wont brew i have had it for 4 months. i thought Mr. Coffee was supposed to be top of the line. if i cant find out whats wrong ill trash it and get a Ninja.
dreamkeeper30 - 返信
Late comment but Mr Coffee isn’t bad but certainly is not top of the line, they do make some nice models but more the most part it’s supposed to be an economically wise option more so than perfect functionality. That being said I love my Mr Coffee and will use it til the day it disintegrates
Zach Van Dyk -
My machine didn't get hot. I just tested mine and determined that the thermal fuse on the heating element is bad. It's about a $5 part. I'll see if I can fix it.
Doug tucker - 返信
Any luck? My problem sounds like yours
juliejmiller -
My machine was working fine for many months, now all of a sudden it won't heat up. I am betting the them all fuse went bad, so where is it & where can I get a new one? Jsyk I have taken apart older coffee makers before & understand wiring.
Elise Lefort -
Same issue with mine... 8 months old, turns on and won't heat up / brew...
latorrefam - 返信
Same issue with mine. All lights come on but it won't brew. 1 year old! What is wrong with it?
Dennis McCartney -
The lights and buttons works but it won't get hot nor brew. It's brand new. Is there a way I can reset it or what do I have to do??
Allie Bridgewater -
Mine to no heat and only had it for 6 mos
Rhonda Love -
Same here had it for 6 mos no heat what the !&&*
Rhonda Love -
I hit the set delay button now it won't make coffe how do I fix this
Michael - 返信
It sounds like this same problem is happening for everyone where even though it is plugged in, water is in the reservoir, coffee grounds are properly inserted in the filter, it's still not brewing. The lights also turn on for me as if it's going to brew and it will not. Has anyone found a solution or did you just get a new machine?
Maria - 返信
Same thing here. It worked fine yesterday. Today its not brewing. Water in the reservoir is not heating up at all.
kkvolleygirl - 返信
I've had mine for a little over a year and it stopped brewing midway through a cycle. I at least got one cup of coffee for the day. I don't like 'disposable' appliances - maybe I'll just go to the old-style percolator.
margaret.jacobs1960 - 返信
I don't know how long I've had my machine but it's less than a year for sure and it won't brew either! All lights are on and everything else looks like it's ready, Guessing I'm gonna need to buy a new one this time I won't get a mr coffee brand!
jvander - 返信
New Mr Coffee month old brews half pot/ and is weak. I tried strong setting and made strong, but won't make regular pot of coffee. This sucks. No more Mr Coffee brewers for this house.
Michael Lee - 返信
In my experience if all you want is less than a dozen pitchers of tea this is a great product. The switch stopped working at less than 12 and efforts to reset by holding power button in for 5 seconds and having an online chat with Mr Coffee has ended in wasting a lot of time. So if you want a glass of Ice Tea put a bunch of tea bags in a gallon jar and set it in the sun... It is also a lot faster than talking to Customer service and more satisfying.... enjoy....
Douglas Gangwer - 返信
Mr coffee burns my coffee before it even makes two cups. Is there some insulation I can put over the pad to keep the hot plate from burning my coffee?
Ricky Bobby IV - 返信
My coffee pot is less than a year old. I actually just took the plastic cover off the clock. It worked yesterday, now today it comes on but will not brew. All the lights work, the beeping sounds. It just all of the sudden will not make coffee. Very disappointed! Lynda Shew Albany, Or. lcshew@comcast.net
Lynda - 返信
My coffee pot will not brew. Everything like the lights, the beeping works. I have had it long enough to clean it twice . I cleaned it every two months. I actually just removed the plastic cover on the clock. Very disappointed!
Lynda - 返信
I've got the same experience. All lights are on, clock works, but nothing happens when you turn on brew. Not even a sign that it's trying to work. Would love to know what’s wrong.
Johanna - 返信
After reading other comments I see a pattern with this coffee brewer. I have had mine for a couple of years but the duty has been light… Today it started to brew then abruptly stopped. Green lights are still on, but the warming plate is no longer warming… the gurgling has stopped. It brewed less than a cup and that was it. Sounds like I got more life out of mine than many others have. I opened the bottom and looked up inside. All of the wires are still connected, it has power to the circuit board but that is where I don’t know which items to check nor what the numeric readings should be for each component on the circuit board… Looking for a different brand to buy next. Sadly they all will be foreign so it’s a guessing game…
stphn_seeger - 返信
my Mr coffee leaks from bottom plus it sometime give me half cup coffee sometime weak coffee I love Mr coffee but not this k cup
julia -
We just brought a mr. Coffee coffee maker about 2 months ago. I only been using it for about a week and a half. Yesterday I fixed a pot of coffee and it turned out great but today I fixed a cup of coffee and the product came on but it would not brew or get hot so I Googled steps on checking to see what was wrong with it.Everything was in place. I see mr. Coffee coffee makers is giving a lot of people problems just by reading the reviews that these people have sent in .It's a waste of money. I might as well just buy regular coffee and boil some water on the stove.
Retsiem Rese - 返信
The light goes on and then nothing. No brewing noises, no coffee.
I rinsed it out and make sure everything was in the right spot, but any time something like that was wrong, it still make brewing noise.
I even tried Delay Brew for the first time. Set it for 4 minutes from now. After 4 minutes, the light went on, but nothing else.
cjburke23 - 返信
Just like many of you. It worked yesterday. Today, the lights work. Clocks work. Buttons respond. But no brewing, and no heat. Valve and hoses were clean. HOWEVER, the circuit board has the distinct smell of hot electronics. I pulled the circuit board out and inspected it, hoping to see a blown capacitor, or burned contact on the solder side, but I did not see any visible damage. I’m guessing one of the microchips fried? Unsure. But it’s going in the trash. By the way it was a good machine, lasted for at least 2, maybe 3 years.
shadocat -
I have the smallest of the Mr. Cofffee makers and 9 times out of 10 it will leak coffee all over the counter. It seems there is a magic way to get the coffee filter holder in exactly right so this does not happen. My sister-in-law has the same one and it does the same thing. It must be a flaw in the design.
kathie_paulsen2003 - 返信
The clean light is on, but the cleaning function will not activate…
pmissano - 返信
It won’t stop running through the hour and minute numbers? Button is not stuck and it won’t do anything but run through the numbers?
brandy mcnally - 返信
My Mr coffee 12 cup programmable used one time won’t brew very frustrating. It looked like a nice little pot that doesn’t take a lot of space tried all troubleshooting suggestions won’t brew
Dana Johnson - 返信
Everything manufactured today is garbage. There hasn't been pride or quality in any craftsmanship in over 40 years. Get used to it.
Peteo - 返信
1st on stopped working in March, they sent me 2 replacements, thought strange . 2 Mr. Coffee stopped working in August. Ok, something up. Use 3rd one, now December, Christmas Eve, -3 outside, it quit working. I will be calling. Give me a Coffee pot that works. Tried their "fixing " solutions, nope still don't work. 3 broken ones within 9 months, guess they can't make Coffee machines that last anymore.
kjrusty - 返信
Was working fine yesterday...woke up to no set to brew coffee this morning...all lights work but no sound...wont brew...????got me...
Lisa Anderson - 返信
The display doesn’t show but the coffee maker works
Phil SHEVEILY - 返信
I bought my Mr. Coffee machine almost a year ago now, but within 3 months it started leaking water all over the counter and that was in the off position. And then when turned on to make a pot or a cup I would be lucky if it made it. Brewing a 10 or 12 Oz cup of coffee I would get 2oz and it would shut off. Brewing a pot I have to restart the machine 3 sometimes 4 times for 10 cups. Worst machine ever bought for $150. WHAT A GREAT DEAL NOT!!!!!!
Tammy Appleton - 返信