
三星盖乐世 Note Fan Edition (粉丝版)拆解


手順 4を翻訳中

Samsung Galaxy Note Fan Edition Teardown: 手順 0、 1の画像 1
  • Baby's got a brand-new battery. This one's dated June 20th, so it's real new.

  • The capacity is indeed smaller, clocking in at 12.32 Wh compared to the OG Note7's 13.48 Wh whopper.

  • That's still more than the comparably sized iPhone 7 Plus (with 11.1 Wh), but apparently this ~9% reduction is enough to make the Note safe again.

  • For the data hungry: at 45.4 g the new battery weighs 2.3 grams less, and measures in at 37.4 mm x 97.2 mm x ~5.0 mm compared with the Note7's 37.9 mm x 97.8 mm x 4.9 mm. So it does seem to have lost a bit of mass.

  • Let's not lose sight of the fact that Samsung's entire recall fiasco could have been largely avoided if they'd simply designed the Note7 with a removable battery. You know, like they used to do?

手机有了全新的电池。 这一块6月20日生产,所以是真的新款手机。


但这块电池容量还是比iPhone 7 Plusの分解 (11.1Wh)要大,缩减9%的容量来使得Note 更加安全。

在数据上:45.4克,比Note轻了2.3克,测量三围为37.4毫米×97.2毫米x〜5.0毫米相比,Note的37.9毫米x 97.8毫米×4.9毫米。 所以看上去FE似乎小了一圈。

我们不要忽视三星整个召回事件,如果用简单的可拆卸电池设计Note7就可以避免。 你知道吗,像以前一样
