
三星Galaxy S8拆解


手順 5を翻訳中

Samsung Galaxy S8 Teardown: 手順 0、 1の画像 1
  • As with its S8+ sibling, the S8 employs some sweet hardware multitasking. The speaker/antenna array, and antenna/NFC coil assembly, do double duty as the phone's midframe.

  • Also like the S8+, the NFC antenna presumably does an additional job, spoofing MST to use Samsung Pay at any card reading checkout location.

  • We're almost running out of things to say here—the rest of the phone looks pretty much like the S8+ too, down to the wee pancake vibrator. It's like someone left the S8+ in their pocket on laundry day and it came out of the wash slightly shrunken, but no worse for wear.

与三星Galaxy S8 +一样,三星Galaxy S8采用了一些组合的多功能硬件。 扬声器/天线阵列,以及天线/ NFC线圈组件,在手机的中框的两侧。

就像三星Galaxy S8 +,NFC天线大概还会做一个额外的工作,就是提供MST在任何POS机上的读卡器位置使用三星 Pay。

我们几乎没有有用的东西在这里说 -手机 其余的部分看起来很像S8 +,直到线性振动器。这就像有人在洗衣服时将三星Galaxy S8+放在他们的口袋里并且出现了稍微的收缩,但是并不影响穿着。
