
iPhone 13 Pro 拆解


手順 10を翻訳中

iPhone 13 Pro Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 1 iPhone 13 Pro Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 2 iPhone 13 Pro Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 3
  • About that front-facing camera: the dot projector has moved from the edge to the center of the module this year, but it also holds a little secret.

  • The flood illuminator, previously a part of the display—and a necessary component of Face ID—has been integrated into this new dual-purpose module.

  • With the display assembly now independent from Face ID hardware, you might be thinking display and Face ID swaps are easier than ever now! Right? Well, hold that thought.

  • Face ID works even when we disconnected the front sensor assembly. However, any display replacement knocks out Face ID.* We tried transferring the sensors along with the old display and the Face ID hardware, but no dice. Something on the display is serial-locked to the Face ID hardware.

  • TL;DR: Screen replacements outside Apple's authorized repair network lose all Face ID functionality.

  • *Update, Dec. 2021: In iOS 15.2, Apple waved their magic wand and made this problem go away. Now anyone can replace an iPhone 13 screen without losing Face ID.

  • Though you'll still get a not-so-friendly Important Display Message, and the new display will show up as an unknown part in the Parts and Service History.


泛光感应組件,以前與顯示器集成 (也是 Face ID 的必要组件) 现在集成到了前置攝像頭模塊中。

随着显示组件與Face ID分離,你可能会认为显示和 Face ID 交换比以往任何时候都容易! 对吧?打住,孩子。

即使我们断开前置相機组件的连接,Face ID 也能正常工作。但是,任何涉及显示屏更换的操作都会使Face ID瘫痪。 我们尝试移植旧显示屏上的传感器到Face ID上,但都失败了。显示器的序列号似乎与手机绑定了。

总而言之:除非Apple在软件中修改此行为,否则Apple授权维修之外的屏幕更换将会失去所有的Face ID功能。

2021/12更新蘋果在iOS15.2推出了自行維修的計畫,現在你可以在不損失FaceID的功能下自己進行維修iPhone 13的螢幕

