このガイドを参照して、PlayStation 5のUSBボードを取り出して交換します。
PlayStation 5が縦置きの場合は、スタンドが上を向くように逆さまにしてください。
PlayStation 5が横向きに配置されている場合、充電ポートが上向きに配置されるように設置します。
Do you guys sell the stand
I recommend doing both covers at this time, to avoid hassle later. Skip to step 38, then come back here
During reassembling:
There is a little flat pin in each end, they need to go into the console
この手順で使用する道具:Magnetic Project Mat$19.95
23.3 mm長ネジー2本
11.4 mm 長ネジー1本
31 mm 長ネジー1本
My ps5 seems to have tiny black caps over each screw. My spudger can’t get them off I see no other way to move forward besides breaking the shroud
wrong side, take the cover off the other side
The 31 mm-long screw just wont budge! do I turn that one counter-clockwise or clockwise? someone please help!
Chris Love - 返信
counter clockwise to remove
I damaged the 23.3mm on the bottom right next to fan connector. Is there any replacements? Can't seem to find any 23.3mm t8 screw anywhere online
forsage.rh - 返信
I used a t8 for all of them and had no problem removing, except for that bottom right screw
Is there any replacement screws you can buy for the fan? I slightly damage 23.3mm screw.
My PS5 has TX8 (security Torx bit) screws on my fan shroud and all the case screws. A normal Torx driver won’t work you need the one with the hole in the middle of the bit driver.
Why does my ps5 have 3 different screws? 2 are the same then 2 other ones? Why?
Does anyone know the thread pitch of these screws? I just bought a used PS5 and the screws are missing. The fan has been glued in. Can't make this up.....
Ci sono viti di ricambio?
Dove posso trovarle?
Ho guardato dappertutto e non se ne trovano
Sind mit den Massen die dicke oder die Länge gemeint
It is unnecessary to remove the SSD screw and cover for power supply replacement.
The only thing you can do without removing the ssd cover and screw is remove the fan.
For some PS5's, the optical drive connector is still covered in this step. Proceed up to step 22, then you will be able to access these connecters. The connectors will be running across the heatsink visible from step 24.
18.6mm 長ネジー6本
23.3mm 長ネジー2本
43.2mm 長ネジー2本
7.3mm 長ネジー1本
Black and white antennas are reversed, black should go on RB and white on RW
It looks like some models of PS5 lack these antenna wires. My PS5 only has Power Supply antennas, which are in the next step.
Can confirm, on a PS5 I got for repair, there are only antenna connectors that are in the next step. The antenna connectors of this step are physically absent from the PCB. There are only 2 coaxial connectors in total, not 4. From the image it seems the PCB routing is slightly different (my board with missing connectors seems to use PCB traces as antennae given trace shapes)
長さ7.3 mmネジー41本
長さ43.2 mmネジー1本
Your image already has the long black screw removed from the left hand side half way down.
You should add a step for this screw for people re-assembling.
infiniti25 - 返信
I second this! I had an extra long screw when I was done, it was likely this. This is one of the screws that reach down to the PSU
I believe that this was an unintentional oversight in the guide, as I cannot find any guide that mentions removing this screw. I have made an edit to this guide to clarify that final screw must also be removed, hoping it is approved and published!
I can’t see how removing 41 of these 7.3mm screws to replace the power supply. None of them hold the power supply to the board. Waste of time.
The reason why is because you need to remove the top shield plate to get to the usb ribbon cable.
Some PS5's have a removable cover for the USB board (step 36). If this is your situation, then I think removing this entire plate is unnecessary for removing the PSU (80% sure, I haven't exactly tried.)
Unnecessary step to replace power supply.
Debatable, removing the top shield makes it much more comfortable to remove the USB ribbon cable.
I would say it's required since there's no way to get to the metal release otherwise
The grey rubber came off in some spots, what do I use to replace it? It attaches to cylinder things (opposite side of power supply) which then attaches to a copper bus.
That's thermal paste, it's recommended to keep it all on there. If you lost some paste, check on Google for the proper thermal paste for the PS5
トルクスT8ドライバーを使って、ヒートシンクアセンブリとマザーボードを固定している29.4mm 長ネジを2本外します。
These screws are T9 security, or, if they are designed to be T8 security, they also accommodate T9 bits and you should definitely use T9. Source: Myself after stripping a highly torqued bolt 🤦♂️
修理が上手く進みませんか?ベーシックなe-wasteを処理する場合は、 トラブルシューティングを試みるか、PlayStation 5 のアンサーコミュニティを参照してください。
修理が上手く進みませんか?ベーシックなe-wasteを処理する場合は、 トラブルシューティングを試みるか、PlayStation 5 のアンサーコミュニティを参照してください。
6 の人々がこのガイドを完成させました。
Midori Doiさんは世界中で修理する私たちを助けてくれています! あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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3 件のコメント
Is the USB board married to the motherboard?
Dean Groth - 返信
No - the USB board is not married to the motherboard. You can use a USB board from any PS5 and it will work. Be careful that you buy the correct replacement though as there are two versions of the USB board.
James H -
Do you have guide to replacing the front USB board(EDU-030) on a CFI-1215A? From other teardown videos, it should be simpler as you don't need to remove the top shield plate to access the USB cable. Hopefully I can figure it out on my own by ignoring some of these steps. PSVR 2 uses that USB-C port and I imagine I won't be the only VR user whose usb-c port goes wonky from all the plugging in and out.