
Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換


  1. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, バッテリー: 手順 1、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, バッテリー: 手順 1、 2の画像 2
    • バッテリーカバーを下部ケースに固定しているプラスネジを外します。

    • バッテリーカバーにはまだネジが留められています。ご注意ください。

    • スパッジャーや指の爪でバッテリーカバーを持ち上げて、下部ケースから外します。

    A Phillips #000 (PH000) seems to give a more secure fit (no slipping) than the stated Phillips #00.

    Ritchie - 返信

    This will be good for mods

    Matthew Bevins - 返信

    I'm having a problem getting the screw to unscrew. I have the right Phillips ( it was included with all the stuff I got this) Any tips. it doesn't look like the screw is spinning but i haven't played my Nintendo DS Lite for 3 years.

    whittlegirls - 返信

    bonjour j’ai une petite question pour vous fais trés longtemps que j’ai pas utiliser mon nintendo ds lite et quand je le branche il allume 1 fois orange après il s’enteint même s’il est brancher ça veux tu dire qu’il faut que je change de batterie ? Merci

    Marie-Julie Richer - 返信

    Soit un changement de batterie, soit la carte-mère a peut-être un court-circuit :/

    Polaris -

  2. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 2、 1の画像 1
    • バッテリー側面と下部ケースハウジングの間にスパッジャーの先端を押し込み、バッテリーを持ち上げて押し出します。

    • DS Liteからバッテリーを取り出します。

  3. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, 下部ケース: 手順 3、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, 下部ケース: 手順 3、 2の画像 2
    • スパッジャーの先端を使って、DS Liteのゴム足を2つ取り外します。

  4. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 4、 1の画像 1
    • 下部ケースをDS Lite本体に固定している次のネジを外します。

    • 4.3mmプラスネジ(ゴールド) 2本

    • 3.9mmトライウィングネジ(黒) 1本

    • 3.3mmプラスネジ(シルバー) 1本

    • 5.5mmトライウィングネジ(シルバー) 3本

    Not mentioned is to remove the jumper/connector below the word "SLOT-2". Case WILL NOT separate otherwise.

    Kayla - 返信

    In the separation step below, the third picture show the case with the jumper/connector removed.

    Kayla - 返信

    I cannot remove the tri-wing screws.

    Zach Smith - 返信

    Same to me. I tried opening the case by force. Broke several parts of the motherboard…

    Leon -

    I can't remove the final tri wing screw in the battery section and it looks like I grinded the screw out too much for any screwdriver to work.Is there anything I can do?

    Quintin Harbin - 返信

    From what I know, the only solution is to drill the screw out with a very small-headed drill :/

    Polaris -

  5. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 5、 3の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 5、 3の画像 2 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 5、 3の画像 3
    • 作業を続ける前に、Game Pakからカバーを外します。

    • DS Liteの右上角付近の上下ケースの間にスパッジャーの先端を差し込みます。

    • DS Liteの右端に沿って注意深くスパッジャーを動かし、開口のきっかけを作ります。

    • 上部ケースから下部ケースの大部分が外れるまで、DS Liteの裏側に沿ってスパッジャーをスライドします。

    Don’t forget to remove the GBA cartridge placeholder before removing the backside

    Cees Jan de Boer - 返信

    You forgot to mention to remove the battery compartment Phillips screw.

    nathan lowe - 返信

  6. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 6、 1の画像 1
    • DS Lite本体から下部ケースを持ち上げて外します。

    • 注意深く引っ張ってください。いくつかのユニットは接着テープで封がされていて、強く引っ張りすぎると電源スイッチを損傷させる恐れがあります。

    • 再組み立ての際、電源スイッチと音量スライダーがマザーボード上のスイッチと正しく位置が合っていることを確認してください。

    When you reassemble, make sure that you have the volume and power buttons in place, and make sure they are in the right position to line up with the switches on the motherboard. If they are not aligned, you risk snapping off the tiny switches on the motherboard (in which case, you are in for some soldering work).

    Eric - 返信

    I should have read the comments first - broke off the power switch because I didn't know about aligning it. No way I can do soldering, guess it's for the dustbin :-(

    Emma -

    Whoops, remembered the power button but forgot the volume slider.

    I'll do it later.

    analbonghits -

    There is no way that the fact you have to line up the volume and power switch toggles upon reassembly is not in this guide. I just carefully followed this guide to replace the shoulder buttons but ruined my DS lite because I didn’t read these (practically hidden comments due to the design of the website) comments and broke the power switch. Thankfully there are 150 million DS I can buy second hand but “repeat the steps backwards” wasn’t sufficient in this repair. And that’s what this website is for.

    [deleted] -

    Watch out with the shoulder buttons. The spring jumped out and I have to clear my entire room to find it ;_;

    Joshu-chan - 返信

  7. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, トリガーボタン: 手順 7、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, トリガーボタン: 手順 7、 2の画像 2
    • DS Liteから2つのトリガーボタンを持ち上げます。

    • トリガーボタンは、小サイズのメタル製ペグとバネで非常に緩く固定されています。これらを紛失しないでください。

    • 2つ目の画像は、再度組み立てる際のトリガーアセンブリの正しい調整位置を示しています。

    Anything after step 7 is unnecessary if having to replace the left or right trigger button(s).

    Nate River - 返信

    The second picture does not show the correct configuration of the button spring. It should be flipped. Look at the trigger on the left of the larger image; that is the correct configuration.

    wrekone - 返信

  8. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, Wi-Fiボード: 手順 8、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、Wi-Fiボード上のソケットからWi-Fiアンテナコネクタをまっすぐ持ち上げます。

    There is absolutely no need to follow steps 8-13 if like me, all you needed to do was access the face buttons for cleaning/replacement. Once you have unscrewed the motherboard from the front casing you can just flip it up, making sure you take the front screen with it. You will have full access to the buttons and all of their contacts. No need to remove the wifi board and microphone cable, etc. Also, replacing the ribbon cables for the screen is especially frustrating. Avoid taking them out at all costs, if you can.

    James McCarthy - 返信

    what is the "etc."?

    Rita Cao -

    For those replacing the bottom screen, you can just skip to step 13 and go from there. No need to remove the wifi board, antenna, etc.

    lowestseries - 返信

  9. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 9、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、マザーボード上のソケットからWi-Fiボードコネクタをまっすぐ持ち上げます。

    the i was working on had a different wifi connector. i thought a had broken it but the thing underneath it was just to balance it on the motherboard.

    BigD29853 - 返信

    Do you have to put back in the WiFi board? As far as I know it does not require it to play games.

    Aiden Harlin - 返信

    With the Nintendo servers now off, and all the games are playable without WiFi. That being said, I don’t know what is used for local multiplayer.

    Polaris -

  10. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 10、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、マザーボードからWi-Fiボードの右端を持ち上げます。

    • Wi-Fiボードは、接着剤でマザーボードに留められています。

    • DS LiteからWi-Fiボードを取り外します。

    I took it apart successfully and I replaced the screen but I've put it back together and it the green light turns on for about 2seconds quiet dim, brighter for about 1 and then it turns off... I then took the wifi board out, and it turned on! What have I done to it and why doesn't it work with it and only without?!

    Brianlewis - 返信

    Exact same symptoms for me : on boot up, green light would stay on for 1 second, then shut down. Without wifi, green light would stay on, but blank screens. In fact, it's because on boot up, DS will check if wifi is present, and stop if there is an error. Then, it checks for upper screen, and after that, for lower screen. If one of these is not responding, DS will turn off. I check my cables (upper screen) and DS started again with no problem.

    Alexandre - 返信

  11. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, マザーボード: 手順 11、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、マザーボード上のソケットからマイクコネクタをまっすぐ持ち上げます。

  12. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 12、 3の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 12、 3の画像 2 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 12、 3の画像 3
    • 次の手順では、DS Liteのゲームカートリッジリーダーとマザーボードの間のアンテナケーブルを引っ張る必要があります。ケーブルやマザーボードにダメージを与えないようにするため、抵抗を感じたら引っ張るのを止めてください。

    • スパッジャーを使って、マザーボード上のチップ間の溝を軽く押さえながら、コネクタが上向きになるようにアンテナケーブルの位置を変え、マザーボードから離します。

    • ケーブルコネクタがDS Liteのゲームカートリッジリーダーの下に来るまで、アンテナケーブルをゆっくりと注意深く引っ張ります。

    • 続けて、ケーブルコネクタが右側のゲームカートリッジリーダーの下からケーブルコネクタが外れるまで、ケーブルを引っ張ります。

    • 再組み立てやゲームカートリッジの下にアンテナケーブルを通す際には、ケーブルがよじれたり、通し難かったりするかもしれません。その場合は、まず糸の一部を通そうとしてください。そして、ケーブルコネクタの先端に糸を結び付け、引っ張って通し、障害物を避けるように誘導します。

    I can't for the life of me get this freaking antenna cable back when putting everything together, it keeps getting stuck under slot-1 ... how do you aid it through? I'm just pushing it through using the cable itself, but the connector gets stuck somewhere close to the other side and the cable pushing won't do anything but flex the cable.

    Peter Marquardt - 返信

    I had some .015" solder that I fed through the other side and wrapped around the antenna cable to help guide it when I was feeding it back through.

    Josh McBroom - 返信

    Fantastic guide, although you !@#$%^&* :P forgot to add that you need a Soldiering Kit at the LAST step, thanks..

    Nate River - 返信

    I did mine without have to soldier, but then again I was cannibalizing the upper screen from one DS to another.

    Christopher Till - 返信

    Tried to add this but unsure if it will stay but here is my advice for the cable feeding.

    When reassembling and attempting to feed the antenna cable back under the DS Lite game cartridge reader the cable will likely kink and be difficult to feed through.

    Therefore tie a piece of white cotton (or another visible colour) thread tightly around the cable, just below the connector. Then feed the cotton under the DS Lite game cartridge reader and through to the other side. Then gently guide the connector back through by pulling on the white thread and moving either up or down to clear obstacles.

    Joel Spencer - 返信

    Attach a thread to the antenna wire BEFORE removing the antenna. Pull the antenna throught with the thread attached. After you get the antenna out, cut the thread from the antenna but LEAVE THE THREAD threaded thru the cartridge slot. Tape it to the cartridge slot so it doesn't fall out while you're working on the DS. After repairing, re-tie the thread to the antenna and use the thread to pull the antenna back thru to where it belongs. PULL GENTLY!

    J S - 返信

    If u remove a bit material from the cover its actually possible to rout this cable over the game card slot.

    yKekS Yzz - 返信

    Cable went right back thru for me! LOL!

    Kayla - 返信

    What I do is run the antenna cable between my fingers to get it as straight as possible. Then I gently feed it under the cartridge slot slowly with the connector facing up. I stop at the slightest resistance and jiggle it back and forth to get it going again. Works every time.

    Deepak - 返信

    it was ez until i tried to put it back >:(

    RealUmbreon440 - 返信

    If the black connector is face down (circle down) it has just enough clearance between all the bits under the card slot. You'll notice if you peek through that you have more width to play with closer to the slot than the board.

    Fine Line - 返信

    Light the space behind the card slot with a light source, cut a plastic straw the necessary size and feed it through the space where there are no components, feed the antenna cable through the plastic straw and then pull the straw on the other side while holding the cable to remove it. Worked fine for me and I keep the cut straw in my DS maintenance kit so I can quickly open it to clean the buttons contact when needed for the disassembly.

    Marcos Sanches - 返信

    I just decided to cut it and replace it with a wifi antenna connector instead.

    Michael Franko - 返信

  13. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 13、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 13、 2の画像 2
    • 指の爪やスパッジャーの先端を使って、タッチスクリーンリボンケーブルの固定フラップを注意深く跳ね上げます。

    • ソケットではなく、固定フラップのみを跳ね上げているか確認してください。

    • スパッジャーの先端を使って、ソケットからタッチスクリーンリボンケーブルをまっすぐ引き抜きます。

    • 固定フラップを90度以上跳ねあげないでください。破損の危険があります。

    The little black ribbon clip broke off and now I can't put it back on. What do I do now???

    Peter Diaz - 返信

    Same Problem here :( touc dosnt work anymore

    Christian Zimmermann -

    Mine did the same thing, will it still work?

    If I take it to a shop could they fix it????

    Hayden “HayHay” Becker -

    There should be an added caution remark when removing the ribbon cable from the connector. If the black clip breaks, you're screwed. I have found the connector on another website for about $6. Then the issue is having the right tools to remove the broken connector and soldering on the new one.

    Ted - 返信

    How in the world do you get the ribbion cable back in there?

    brent buser - 返信

    I think this is the most difficult step! You need to be most cautious here!

    Karsza M - 返信

    This requires care to make sure the black clip does not break off. If it does, replacing that connector will be a microsoldering job likely to exceed the value of the board.

    It is also worth noting, that you can simply leave this connector as you found it and not remove the ribbon cable, and still complete this repair. Unless you intend to remove the lower LCD from the mainboard or if it is interfering with the microphone cable (white) routing, it will not be an issue.

    Leaving this connected will also help keep the lower LCD from flopping around when you remove the mainboard.

    Christian DeYong - 返信

    This is tricky! I used my finger nail to open it since I was scared to put too much strenght with a spudger. Be really careful when moving the retaining flap. Just open it 90°, no more or you’ll breack it!

    Putting back the ribbon of the (new) touch screen was the hardest part. The ribbon was bent to the side and my fingers too big to grab it withouth bumping on the mother board.

    I finally found that holding the mobo with my left hand, looking at the ribbon from behind and pushing it with my index was more convenient, although my index was bumping on the retaining flap, thus partially closing it. After many trials and sweat, I finally inserted it and closed the flap! But the ribbon detached from te slot! :’( I put it back easily this time (after reopening the flap of course). And closed the retaining flap, pushing a bit harder this time, making sure I could feel a “click” confirming the proper closing. Don’t put too much strenght on it though!

    The slot to insert it is so tiny! Use a magnifying glass if you can.

    Guilhem Gobet - 返信

    How do I reconnect the cable? Or should it be out?

    Aiden - 返信

    The microscopic flap came off in this step and I think you can’t ever put it back on, given you have no space to work with. This should really be explained better.

    Julien Vandermeersch - 返信

    Yeah the instructions should clearly say don't bend the flap back more than 90 degrees. I recommend closing it as soon as you remove the ribbon cable so that it doesn't get caught on something and break while you're working on the board.

    Deepak - 返信

    Has anyone had any luck replacing the retaining flap if it just falls out? Mines not broken, I just can't figure out how to get it back in.

    IslandGo - 返信

    This step permanently ruined my DS Lite. The pictures aren’t helpful at all.

    Leon - 返信

    You don’t need to remove this flap if you’re not removing the touchscreen (and even so, you can do it later). The touch and LCD screen can come out with the motherboard, so this cable doesn’t interfere with the disassembly.

    George Marques - 返信

    The cable won’t go back in, and got damaged whilst I attempted to put it in.

    Stevemmaahd - 返信

    This step didn't warn that the black retaining flap is easily breakable. Not only can it come off easily but hinges can break off. Unknown if kapton tape will be able to hold this in or if this part can be ordered third party. Very stupid explanation of the step. Broke my digitizer permanently while only trying to make a minor repair. Looks like this is a common complaint and the guide should be immediately taken down, edited, and then only put back up when it is safe.

    Guide should have to explain how to mend or replace this part if it breaks since it's such a common problem.

    jen dickson - 返信

    This cable is so difficult to get it back in.

    Max Playz - 返信

    anyone have any tips for getting the ribbon cable back in?

    Grace :D - 返信

    Try snapping it back into place, making sure you do not break it.

    Dane Elliott-Dyson - 返信

  14. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 14、 1の画像 1
    • マザーボードを上部ケースに固定している3.4mmプラスネジを2本外します。

    This has changed since, the right hand screw has been replaced by a screw under the battery, I didn’t have this screw in mine

    Samuel Parkin - 返信

  15. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 15、 1の画像 1
    • 指を使って、ディスプレイを十分に開き、マザーボードの前端を押し上げて上部ケースから外します。

    • マザーボードを取り外さないでください。マザーボードは、上部LCDリボンケーブルによって上部ディスプレイに接続されています。

  16. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 16、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 16、 2の画像 2
    • 指の爪やスパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、上部LCDリボンケーブルの固定フラップを注意深く跳ね上げます。

    • ソケットではなく、固定フラップのみを跳ね上げているか確認してください。

    • DS Liteからマザーボードを引き離し、マザーボード上のソケットから上部LCDリボンケーブルの接続を外します。

    • DS Liteからマザーボードを取り外します。

    • これで、同じ方法で、下部LCDスクリーン用の固定フラップを解放して、マザーボードから下部LCDスクリーンを取り外せます。

    this part on putting it back together is a straight nightmare, anyone got some tips on doing this quickly? i'm just getting a flickering bottom screen which is supposed to be an upper display connection problem, not sure if i'm getting the ribbon cable in deep enough. or an up close view of it in there so i know im not forcing it

    Corbin dallas - 返信

    I don't think there's a quick way for this, but I can tell you that the piece at the end is supposed to fit in all the way, and stop when you get to the corners of the bottom of it. A better way to explain this: put it in until you no longer see the gold part of it, or until it reaches the orange part of it.

    SquidCake -

    After my first reassembly, the top screen was not working (bottom screen briefly flashind and DS turning off imediatly after swithcing on).

    I found out it is the top screen that is not connected correctly.

    You have to insert the ribbon until the part which is wider than the rest of the ribbon, almost bumps on the white connector.

    This was too difficult with just my (too big) fingers. I used the spudger to push the ribbon from behind and maintain it when closing the retaining flap. This is kinda tricky, but it worked!

    Guilhem Gobet - 返信

    Guilhem's point is crucial - the ribbon connectors wider wings must be only a miniscule fraction away from the connector, or you'll get the flash screen of death. This is well worth checking especially as the later stages of manipulating the ribbon through the silver ring (if doing a full shell replacement) can make you feel like you're damaging the ribbon cable. Also check to make sure the black clip is fully closed, otherwise even the smallest movement during reassembly will pull it back out.

    Casey - 返信

  17. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, 下部LCDアセンブリ: 手順 17、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, 下部LCDアセンブリ: 手順 17、 2の画像 2
    • 指の爪やプラスチック製開口ツールの先端を使って、下部LCDリボンケーブルの固定フラップを注意深く跳ね上げます。

    • ソケットではなく、固定フラップのみを跳ね上げてください。

    • 下部LCDアセンブリをまっすぐ引き離し、マザーボード上のソケットから下部LCDリボンケーブルの接続を外します。

    • マザーボードから下部LCDアセンブリを取り外します。

    • 下部LCDを再度取り付ける際は、マザーボードをショートさせないようにするため、裏面に絶縁体があることを確認してください。

  18. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, 下部LCD: 手順 18、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換, 下部LCD: 手順 18、 2の画像 2
    • タッチスクリーンとディスプレイ右上角の間にプラスチック製開口ツールを差し込みます。

    • 開口ツールをディスプレイ右端から下側に向けてスライドし、タッチスクリーン端を解放します。

  19. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 19、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 19、 2の画像 2
    • 続けて、プラスチック製開口ツールを底部に沿ってスライドし、それからLCDの左端から上部に向けて移動します。最後に、LCDからタッチスクリーンを離します。

  20. Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 20、 2の画像 1 Nintendo DS Lite 下部 LCDの交換: 手順 20、 2の画像 2
    • LCDからタッチスクリーンを持ち上げます。

    • LCDのみが残ります。

    • LCDを交換するには、基板からの漏電を防止するために背面が絶縁されているか確認してください。 絶縁テープで対処できます。

    Make sure that the replacement lcd has insulated backing as the bare metal casing will cause a short when reassembled. You can use scotch tape or electrical tape to cover the back if necessary.

    Drin Jao - 返信

    Say hypothetically that I'm an idiot and did not do this initially, and tried to power the device on with the bare metal screen assembled in it and now it doesn't power on at all, except the red and orange LEDs turn on briefly when it's plugged in (after removing the screen again and covering the back in tape, then replacing again). Is that a pretty clear sign that I killed the motherboard and would need a whole new one to fix it now?

    Erin Holden -

    you can replace the F1 fuse for it to work again, the same happened to me

    Léo FRAYSSE -



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2 件のコメント

This guide recommends a Y1 Tri point scredriver. I bought one to try this repair and it's marginally too big :(
It does begin to bite the screw, then slips and fails. I daren't keep trying for fear of rounding the screws off, so
I'm going to try again with a Y0 and see how that goes.

Thomas Wood - 返信

Following the instructions precisely and watching Steve from Tronicsfix's tutorial, I tried to fix my screen, but now it has no power.any solutions?

Lorla - 返信



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