
MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換


  1. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換, 下部ケースのネジを外す: 手順 1、 1の画像 1
    • MacBook Pro 13インチ Unibodyに留められた底ケースから次のネジを10本外します。

    • 3 mmプラスネジー7本

    • 13.5 mmプラスネジー3本

    Compare the short screws carefully before reinstalling them. The shouldered screws go in the holes on the front edge.

    David Kilbridge - 返信

    Before I started removing any screws I took a piece of paper and drew the bottom of the laptop and put a piece of double-sided tape in the spot where each screw goes. That way when I took out the screws, I could put them on the tape so I knew exactly which screw went in which spot. I did the same thing for dismantling the inside on another sheet of paper, then a third sheet for the screen after getting the front glass off.

    mastover - 返信

    I use a similar technique: I print out the iFixit manual for the job, and Scotch-tape down the screws/brackets/cables I remove at each step next to the component descriptions. That way, when I'm reassembling, the bits are taped right next to the photo of where they came from.

    adlerpe -

    That's exactly what I do for all my repairs! It's the best way to keep track of all of the parts ' original location and to make sure that you don't miss any parts during reassembly.

    joyitsjennie -

    Great idea and one I use often

    Thomas Overstreet -

    Excellent idea! Thanks for sharing it here.

    Laura Sharkey -

    I used a 00 that fit but the screws were very tight so I used a tiny paintbrush with some wd40 on it and put it around the edges of the screws. Worked like a charm

    valentinedhdh - 返信

    I use a magnetic mat and place the screws in order on that :)

    Cary B - 返信

  2. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換, 下部ケースを持ち上げて外す: 手順 2、 1の画像 1
    • 取付台タブを外すため、底ケースをわずかに持ち上げて、デバイス本体の背中側に向けて押します。

    In the introduction you should link fixers to this excellent doc: https://www.ifixit.com/Misc/HD_Software_...

    It is really critical, super easy, and free(!) to clone your existing drive onto the new one you will install. I ran into one error, but SuperDuper! support replied immediately on how to fix it...Thanks ifixit and SuperDuper! (I ponied up the $28 for the software anyway, I was so impressed!)

    Mike - 返信

    Long story short: I drank the AppleKoolAid back in 1984 and have always left the guts of my machines up to Apple - until recently when I needed to swap the SATAs from my original MacDaddy (2009 13" MBPro that I killed in 2018 - coffee + blackout = OOOOPS) into a pristine 2009 MBPro from a Goodwill in North Carolina through eBay. I need the files from iCal and MacMail that can't be opened in my newer machines.

    Well . . . I ain't never done nuttin' like that, before!

    Enter Luke Miani on YouTube. He raves about you guys! So, I watched everything I could, read your site, bought the right tools and at the ripe old age of 72, I sat down, this morning and did the work. Now my original MacDaddy lives in MacDaddy2.0.

    Am I allowed to cry?

    Seriously, I can't thank you enough for your bitchen site and killer tools. I wish I'd'a been turned on to this shizzle 30+ years ago.


    kath myers - 返信


    That was a brilliant read.

    Yes, I came across ifixit a few years ago. Totally helped me out on several occasions.

    Glad your Mac repair journey worked out.


    Cary B -

  3. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換, バッテリー: 手順 3、 1の画像 1
    • 作業前の注意点として、放電を防ぐためロジックボードからバッテリーコネクターの接続を外してください。

    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、ロジックボード上のソケットからバッテリーコネクターを持ち上げます。


    why is step 3 necessary?

    Just to disconnect any power source to avoid damages by short-circuits.

    MrKane - 返信

    How do you get that battery connector back on? Do you just press it in back in place after you're done?

    Horace Chung - 返信

    yes. I usually plug it in before I screw it down so I can lift the battery a bit and have enough slack to be able to go straight down on the connector, otherwise it comes in on a bit of an angle, which can't be good (though not necessarily bad).

    maccentric -

    This step almost finished me, and I did extensive damage to the battery plug. Fortunately, I later replaced the battery, and the replacement came with a new plug! :) Newbies need to know - 1. The battery plug is like a thin lip on a thicker lip, so you need to pry BETWEEN 2 thin lips to get it off, else you are trying to yank out the socket. 2. Mine was initially VERY tight, and trying to get it out broke the plastic on all sides of plug, even though I was as careful as possible. Luckily, this didn't hurt functionality and I later replaced the battery. AFTER disconnecting once, it was never so tight again,

    Jeff Diamond - 返信

  4. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換, 光学ドライブ: 手順 4、 1の画像 1
    • 事前の安全確認として、漏電を防ぐために基板からサブウーファーのコネクタから接続を外してください。この手順はオプションで必須ではありません。

    • サブウーファーのコネクタの上部に付いている柔らかいパッドを外して、基板上のソケットからコネクタをゆっくりと引き抜きます。

    It is not necessary to remove the camera cable connector (step 5) or the camera cable connector (step 10). Simply push the camera cable gently aside to remove one of the three screws securing the optical drive (step 11). Gently wiggle the optical drive from under the camera cable connector and go to step 12. Less chance of ruining your motherboard!

    tomhart - 返信

    Absolutely. Leave it alone, you don’t need to run the risks of removing this cable, I did the replacement fine without it

    Steven Taylor -

    It does indeed come out of the connector, but the picture makes it hard to see how; the connector it goes into sits on top of the board—however, I, too, ripped mine off the board trying to remove it; I only got it out of the clip after I tore it off. SIMPLY DONT; it's unnecessary. I plan to solder it back if one of my Robotics club friends lets me borrow a soldering iron.

    Rachel - 返信

    Alors je déconseille très fortement de toucher ce connecteur, il est extrêmement fragile. De plus, cela n’a pas d’incidence sur la suite des opérations

    Laskoni - 返信

    The author needs to go back through this guide and correct lots of order mistakes. The fan was removed in steps 3-5 yet it’s still being shown installed in steps 19-22.

    plink53 - 返信

    The 4-pin push connector for the sub-woofer is near impossible to reconnect

    It mates with a female connector that sits on top of 4 tiny solder points (it's held on by a spot of glue, I believe), and when applying ANY pressure to connect, the side clip(s) will snap off. Then the connector itself will become unglued. It would be simple enough to connect the 2 parts, then place a drop of glue on the logic board after positioning it above the solder points, but the female connector broke apart in my hand. So now screwed, with no way to connect sub/ R speaker without installing another logic board. Fan connector looks to be exactly the same

    Peter Watkins - 返信

  5. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 5、 1の画像 1
    • カメラケーブルの接続を外す前に、作業の邪魔にならない位置へ接着剤で基板に固定された(赤色でマーク)小さな透明のプラスチック製ケーブルリテイナーをスライドする必要があります。カメラケーブルのコネクタからリテイナーをスライドする際に、基板上のコンポーネントにダメージを与えないようご注意ください。

    • カメラケーブルのコネクタを光学ドライブ側に引っ張り、基板から接続を外します。

    • このソケットはメタル製で、簡単に変形することがあります。ソケットとコネクタを合わせる前に、基板上で並べて、取り付け位置を合わせてください。

    I just completed this replacement and there is no need to do this step, you can work around this cable pretty easily. Obviously you need to be careful "dancing" around it. But it's perfectly feasible and you don't risk to break stuff disconnecting it.

    Massimo C - 返信

  6. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 6、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、光学ドライブのコネクタを基板からまっすぐ引き抜きます。

  7. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 7、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの平面側先端を使って、ハードドライブのコネクタを基板からまっすぐ引き上げます。

  8. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 8、 1の画像 1
    • 上部ケースにサブウーファを固定している次のネジを外します。

    • 長さ 3.8 mm プラスネジー1本

    • 長さ 5mm プラスネジー1本

    On my computer, the 3.8 mm screw was near the midpoint of the subwoofer (left-to-right in the photo) and near the bottom. The 5 mm screw was top right of the subwoofer.

    BobG - 返信

  9. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 9、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 9、 2の画像 2
    • サブウーファーはまだ右側スピーカーに固定されています。まだ完全に外さないでください。

    • サブウーファーを光学ドライブから持ち上げて、デバイス上で保管してください。

  10. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 10、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 10、 2の画像 2
    • カメラケーブルのブラケットを上部ケースに固定している10 mmプラスネジを2本外します。

    • 一番左側のネジはカメラケーブルの中に付いたままです。

    • カメラケーブルのブラケットを上部ケースから持ち上げます。

  11. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 11、 2の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 11、 2の画像 2
    • 光学ドライブと上部ケースを固定している2.5 mmプラスネジを3本外します。

    • 右側端から光学ドライブを持ち上げて、コンピュータから引き抜きます。

    Install 2 outside screws first and then single inside screw to allow wiggle room to get outside screws in. Do not tighten screws until all are started.

    JASON CULP - 返信

  12. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換, サブウーファー&右側スピーカー: 手順 12、 1の画像 1
    • 右側スピーカーのケーブルを覆っている黒色のテープの一片を剥がします。

    • このテープの下に直接パワーボタンリボンケーブルがあるため、作業には注意してください。

  13. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 13、 1の画像 1
    • スパッジャーの先端を使って、上部ケースに右側スピーカーを固定している接着剤を剥がします。

    I recommend you to use for this step an opening tool instead the spudger. The jimmy is a good option

    Toni - 返信

    The new speakers don’t come with adhesive, so some double sided tape is handy. Also, the right speaker cable can be rather long, so some tape is useful to carefully loop it out the way.

    Steven Taylor - 返信

  14. MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2010 サブウーファー&右側スピーカーの交換: 手順 14、 1の画像 1
    • 上部ケースからサブウーファーと右側スピーカーのアセンブリを持ち上げます。



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Walter Galan

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3 件のコメント

Oh yeaAAHHH! Right speaker & subwoofer fixed. Thank you!

eepmon - 返信

The replacement subwoofer connector (step 4, which disconnection is required, not optional)was just a bit shorter, and just barely fit, so it was ‘iffy’ whether I’d get it to stay, but it did. Yea! No more sound distortion!!! Such an easy thing to fix!

wyrra - 返信

Hello, I've just brought a MacBook Pro 8,1 to life with an SSD. It works great but unfortunately no sound. There is no output listed in sound window. I tried cmd+opt+P+R without success. Would replacing the speaker assembly solve the problem or is this a hardware problem? Thanx

PS- I also restarted cord...something in processes that didn't work either.

edwood - 返信



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