- このキャリブレーション手順は、現在Tab S7+の光学式指紋センサーにのみ有効です。 このガイドは、Samsungが互換性を追加すると更新されます。*** 詳細については、Repair Guide Common Eng Rev.1.2 230113を確認してください。
「My Files」アプリを開きます。
セルフリペアアシスタント(Self Repair Assistant)アプリを開いてください。
Is not opened
nasir Khan - 返信
This app fails to open says model not supported
I installed the gpt ap but i dont find samsung repair assistant
Model not supported
Same problems
Where do i get the white box?
Hi there.
Currently, the only way to get the boxes is by purchasing the Galaxy Tab S7+ Screen kit. Samsung intends to sell them separately at some point. This guide is only for the Galaxy Tab S7+ at the moment.
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Midori Doiさんは世界中で修理する私たちを助けてくれています! あなたも貢献してみませんか?
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22 件のコメント
When I open the app after installation I get this toast message "this model is NOT supported"
My device is a Galaxy A71
I have a Galaxy A70. "Fingerprint sensor Calibration needed" when I try to turn on Biometric. *# 0 *# says the sensor is alright (everything pass) But calibration = 1
HOW do I calibrate the sensor? The local samsung service center is trash
When I open the app after installation I get this toast message "this model is NOT supported" My device is a Galaxy A52
Hi there.
Unfortunately, as stated in the introduction, the only device supported right now is the Tab S7+ . Samsung plans to include more devices with time.
It showed not supported for this model... What should i do next
Please my phone does not support and I done have factory reset but still. Please what should I do??
App not supported show how raha h
Hi , is there any app for sm a805f (a80)??
What are these white and black boxes? Any info on them would be greatly appreciated
Did you find anything?
There are still no more devices than the galaxy s tab..?? I had thought about buying the track gauge.. Does anyone know for sure what devices are supported?
Todavia no hay mas dispositivos que el galaxy s tab..??
Habia pensado en comprar el calibrador de huellas..
Sabe alguien seguro.. que dispositivos cuentan con soporte??
Hi Maribel.
Currently, only the Galaxy Tab S7 is supported for the fingerprint calibration. Samsung is planning to update this in the future.
I have a Galaxy A70. "Fingerprint sensor Calibration needed" when I try to turn on Biometric. *# 0 *# says the sensor is alright (everything pass) But calibration = 1
HOW do I calibrate the sensor? The Local service center is trash
How calibrate for samsung s10+ ? because the apps not support fol model samsung s10+
Hello my S7+ screen is cracked and have considered fixing it myself, and while looking for parts it seems there is just the glass which is much cheaper and the whole digitizer which is much more expensive. I know without seeing the tablet it would be very hard to tell but does it generally need the more complete digitizer along with the screen or are there times when only the glass imps needed?
I would just really like to be able to repair this, because the way getting these tablets repaired is almost not viable. The expense make it so buying a newer model is the way to go and I hate how many things have become throw away, and repair a very unlikely route.
It doesn't my galaxy A50
EnockEffum - 返信
The Self Repair Assistant is now working on one ui 6.1
Jayson Chua - 返信
Je trouve mas l'application
Oussama Reddaf - 返信
Make sure to set your phone date to year 2022 before using this app version. If you don't, it will not work and ask you to download the latest version.
Do not use the latest version of this app as it will ask for Samsung-made battery serial number (really Samsung. copying Apple for this is anti-consumer).
Peter Chang - 返信