
モデル番号A1707。 2017年6月に発売されたこのMacBook Proは、最大3.8 GHzのTurbo Boost搭載の最大2.8 GHzクアッドコアIntel Core i7プロセッサーまでのKaby Lakeプロセッサーを搭載しています。

20回答 すべてを表示

Low cycle count, needs service

Hello all, I am new to the forums so thank you in advance for any help, and my apologies if I sound naive. My second-hand MacBook, has 129 charge cycles on it but it dies super fast and it requires service. It is the OEM battery but from what I am told it wasn't used much. Is there anything I can do aside from replacing the battery? Change charging habits? By that Charge between 50-80% let it die, charge fully, and keep it around that 50-80% mark and let it fully charge and die periodically? My thought is that I may "reactivate" the cells by doing that given its low usage. Any input is much appreciated and even experimental ideas are welcome as in the end, i expect to be doing a battery replacement. Thanks!

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1 件の回答

Everyone will likely recommend that you install CoconutBattery and post to your question the report it will give, we can then see what charge capacity is remaining in the battery. Service notification is usually the beginning of the end for a battery.


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You only need the trial version, but it’s a great tool to have to monitor things




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