
CDMA iPad 2モデルの第二世代は16、32、64GBのオプションがあり、Dual Core A5プロセッサが搭載されています。モデル番号はA1397です。修理は細かい作業が含まれ、熱で温めてこじ開ける作業が必須です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Why is my iPad not able to do anything useful

I have this iPad 2 which had this iPad disabled connect to iTunes issue, I was able to restore it but lost everything but the funny part it is can even install Xender. All it says is iPad is not compatible with this app, same applesize for every app , what should I do, it makes the iPad completely useless

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1 件の回答

Did you backup to iCloud? I suspect you are hitting newer iPad apps that your iPad can’t run. You are likely limited to the older apps which have been removed from the iTunes Store.


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