
2020年11月に発売される13インチMacBook Airは、AppleのArmベースのM1 SoCを搭載し、8コアのCPUと最大8コアのGPUを搭載しています。(モデルA2337 / EMC 3598、Thunderbolt 3ポートを2つ搭載)

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Dew exposure, now having screen problems

I have a 2020 macbook air M1 A2337. I use it for running a planetarium program that I use when star gazing. A couple weeks back I was out, and it was very heavy dew conditions. Everything seemed to be working fine, (stupid, I know), so I just continued. when I was finished, I wiped off the screen and keyboard and closed it up. The next day I noticed some screen artifacts, horizontal lines that cycled every few seconds. There is also ghosting where the screen doesn't refresh properly until it cycled. So I took the back off, and let it air dry overnight, with a gently hairdryer. Didn't fix it, so I repeated, unplugging the screen connectors, and still no improvement. last ditch I placed it in a temperature controled oven at work at 95F over the weekend, still no improvement. I should say the display output, and everything else works fine when connected to an external monitor.

My question is to al the fine folks here is what is the chance that it is the screen itself, as opposed to the something on the logic board? I see there are screens available on eBay for ~$200, and I can handle the replacement, but without more advanced electronic experience, I am just throwing parts at it. Also, anyone ever used one of these screens? They claim to be new, Apple replacement parts, but that price seems pretty cheap, and the reviews mostly feel like they are faked- any thoughts appreciated. I have bought a few batteries over the years, and they are definitely not Apple OEM quality.

BTW, long time user fo the site, been fixing my own stuff as long as I can remember, thanks for all the help over the years.

Edit- I added a recording of the screen showing the ghosting the thappens when scrolling text or opening windows. the the horizontal lines are hard to see, but the slow refresh is obvious. Dont know if this helps or not., thanks

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4 件のコメント

Can you post a few pics so we can see what you are seeing as that would help.


Dan, I tried taking some pics but the lines don't show up well, and the ghosting would need a video to show.


@erichall2 - Do what you can, a vid also works!

While it’s likely time for a new display assembly, you might have some logic board issues as well. Have you popped off the bottom cover to inspect things? Looking for dampness and corrosion damage.


@erichall2 - OK, I see why you can’t show the issue, your trying to capture it via a video directly, you need to use your phone as the vid capture is not the screens image it’s the video buffer that drives the screen.





Follow up- I ordered a "new" screen from an Ebay reseller, macMise, for $200 USD. it arrived very well packaged, installed fine, and, voila, the image issue is fixed, and the image looks great. 2 problems, that others have documented- the camera doesn't work and the display is no longer "True Tone", which is the tech that new macs use to adjust the screen brightness and color for ambient lighting conditions. also the screen doesn't quite fit as well as the original. these screens are probably some form of seconds, or refurbs, or something, or maybe from an older model. The screen had stickers in on it from QC showing it passed the LCD, camera, and light sensor test FWIW. when I emailed the seller, they suggested doing a PRAM/SMC reset, which M1 Macs no longer support. They did offer to refund my money, but then I'm starting over, etc, and might just get another one. And regarding the True Tone, they said that you need to swap out the video chip on the mother board to get that to work, because they are paired at the factory- I'm skeptical of that explanation as well, but for $200, its probably the cheapest option, at least compared to sending it in to apple which is probably more like $500. I had no luck finding an actual, new replacement screen form a reputable parts seller. so the moral of the story, keep your laptop dry!


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

@erichall2 - Well… I’m sorry you fell into Apple’s black hole of parts serialization! If you want to get your system back to 100% you can get the display directly from Apple via there new parts program for self service repair, here’s the 2020 M1 MacBook Air repair manual and the display P/N’s 661-16806 - Space Gray, 661-16807 - Silver, 661-16808 - Gold. After you install the replacement you will have access to the paywalled calibration tool.


Thanks Dan, I did not know about this apple parts program. I checked and my screen was $398, but amazingly there was an $80 returned parts credit, which reduced the cost to $307. I will defiantly keep that site book marked for next time!



To me it sounds like the display has been internally damaged due to liquid contact. My only recommendation for that would be replacing the display assembly. There are decent displays available on eBay, one supplier I've used before with repeated success is called "macmise". It's hard to know though without looking at your computer whether or not any other internal components could be damaged. Good luck!


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

I saw the macmise screens-, so you have had good luck with them? Do you think they are genuine Apple parts? thanks, Eric


I think they are either rebuilt/refurbished from original parts, or they are factory cast-offs or something like that. They almost always work normally, but sometimes they have slight alignment issues.




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