
2021年10月発売の14インチディスプレイ搭載のMacBook Proモデルの修理ガイドです。

104回答 すべてを表示

Is it safe to reinstall macOS after logicboard replacement?


I had MacBook Pro 14" 2021 with logic board issue. I replaced the logic board (it was NOT ordered by Apple self repair service program) and now everything is working fine, but I want to reinstall OS. Display and other parts are now not paired to logic board since it was replaced, so I see backlight artefacts on the screen (which I know there is no way to resolve and that macOS reinstall won't help to resolve). This system also doesn't have camera/display sensors flex cable connected to the logic board at all. Is it safe to reinstall macOS? I know there are some system integrity checks during reinstall, so I want to prevent bricking the device, since it is working fine right now. I read some articles on the internet that people with replaced screens on newer Apple silicon Macs had problem during installation of macOS, so I want to be sure.

Thank you for info

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1 件の回答

It sounds like your limping here with a system which is not complete! A system in this state is fragile as any OS alteration could mess you up.

I would focus on getting the system repaired to what Apple intended before attempting updating or upgrading the OS to a newer release.


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2 件のコメント:

Considering the cost of the original parts, I decided to take a chance and everything went smoothly. So the answer to the original question is that it is possible and there are no issue during this process.


@andrejprac54976 - I’ll be frank, odd setups like yours is an unknown. As I expressed I wouldn’t alter things as the act of the installer could force the issue. A system that works is better that one that’s broke.




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