
Repair information for the Crusher Wireless headphones. Model number: S6CRW-K591. First available on Amazon in August of 2016.

20回答 すべてを表示

The right side bass of my Crushers stopped working

The audio is fine but on the right side the bass stopped working but the left side is perfectly fine

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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1 件の回答

@edwardrawlings check the crossover cable, from let to right. Make sure it is still properly connected. Check the solder joints. Use a multimeter and check for continuity. Post a couple of pictures with both covers removed so we can see the circuit boards etc. Use these guides to work on it Skullcandy Crusher Wireless and this iFixitでの質問に画像を追加する方法 to post your pictures.


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