MacBook wont turn on anymore after SSD upgrade
Hello to everyone!
Please I need help with this following strange case.
1- We updated SSD in some of our macbooks with a non brand Chinese SSD.
2- We did it in more than 7 Macbooks without issues.
3- Suddenly, 1 of the SSD's (we called killer SSD), is just being placed on laptop, we try to enter in recovery mode to reinstall MacOS by turning it on, but they wont react. We tried in second laptop, with exact same results..
After this, not even possible to instal anything, the laptops wont turn on anymore... so we are quite confused on what is going on, or what we can do with this laptops now.
What we tried with no success?
- PRAM and correct SMC (SMC for this model)
- Disconnecting battery and trying to turn on
- Reinstating the original drive
- Leaving battery to charge for 1 night
Please, are you able to give me some other possible troubleshooting steps I might be missing? I never saw a Macbook Pro not reacting after PRAM and SMC reset to this kind of power issue... I hope the SSD did not kill both macbooks!
I can not find the logic in how a SSD can kill a laptop, but never say never because Apple in some cases is special, and more with non original hardware.
Thanks in advance. Kind Regards!
Did u guys find the issue
Lamar Thomas さんによる
Many of the 3rd party adapters with an M.2 SSD have had issues, either the adapter or the inserted SSD.
I personally would stick with a real Apple SSD or a direct pin compatible unit like what OWC offered. Apple not sticking within standards makes upgrades extra hard and costly.
Dan さんによる