
2020年3月に発売されたインテルプロセッサ搭載MacBook AirモデルA2179の2020年リフレッシュモデルの修理・分解情報です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Having problems trying to rebuild my OS

build  Bridge OS 7.5 (20P5058),

@danj I’m having an issue with a 2020 MacBook Air

Its flashing the folder logo, internet recovery through WiFI gives error 2003f.

Trying to install the OS via USB it goes into the system and asks what I want to boot from but when I select the USB file it says security won’t let me boot from USB, change security by pressing command-r, when I do that it takes me to internet recovery again with no security option and the fan is running full speed when trying internet recovery.

Any ideas ?

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


スコア 1

1 件の回答

The drive is encrypted so it won’t let you access it. You’ll need to visit an Apple Store for help.


スコア 0

16 件のコメント:

@danj i managed to get the os loaded via ethernet but now i sometimes get random restarts. there is a panic log but i cant make heads or tails of it


@tech_ni - can you export it into a PDF and post it here so we can see it.



panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff020774a68): x86 CPU CATERR detected

Debugger message: panic

Memory ID: 0x6

OS release type: User

OS version: 20P5058

macOS version: 19H2

Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Mon Apr 24 20:06:41 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010

KernelCache UUID: 898E82ABB7B6D9C47BA18414767F7655

Kernel UUID: A04DA547-BD69-39FF-A0E2-D59ED179A076

Boot session UUID: 75527CA8-CD8C-477F-BEAB-E36ED4BC714A

iBoot version: iBoot-8422.121.2

secure boot?: YES

roots installed: 0

x86 EFI Boot State: 0xd

x86 System State: 0x0

x86 Power State: 0x0

x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x3

x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x70707060400

PCIeUp link state: 0x1614

macOS kernel slide: not available

Paniclog version: 14


@tech_ni - Is that it?? This is way too small. The panic call memory state should follow this. I haven’t looked at Big Sur and newer back traces so things might have changed, besides this looks like this is a M series system not Intel is this the Late 2020 system by chance?


@danj there is more to it but i cant add it, intel i3





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