
2018年9月21日に発売されました。モデル番号A2097, A2098、GSM もしくはCDMA / eSIM もしくはナノSIM / 64, 256、512 GB / シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ。(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 S.")

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I dropped my phone on my floor and now it is glitching black and green

my phone fell onto my carpet and i have no scratches or damage done to the screen but it has turned black and green and glitched. I know the LCD needs to be replaced but the screen doesnt, is there any way i can get the LCD replaced and about how much would it cost?

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Hi @angelicaq933,

The days when the front glass on a phone can be replaced separately from the LCD are long gone, I'm afraid. Nowadays the display is bonded to the digitizer and while they can technically be separated, it takes a very specific set of tools and expertise to do so and is definitely not cost-effective.

So the short story is you're going to have to replace the whole screen assembly, which on your phone consists of the OLED display and the digitizer glass. OLED displays generate their own light so you don't need a separate backlight like you do with an LCD display.

I don't have any idea how much a shop would charge to replace your screen; that's not what this site is all about. It's to enable you to make your own repairs on your own devices. The good news about that is if you're willing to tackle the job, your only cost will be the price of the screen itself, possibly a few inexpensive tools and some adhesive to glue it back together when you're done.

You can buy a replacement screen right here on iFixit if you want to support their repair efforts; I would recommend the OLED display with the Fix Kit option; that will give you a screen that's equivalent in picture quality to the original, and includes all the tools and adhesives needed to do the job.

iPhone XS Screen: Replacement Part, Fix Kit

You can of course get a screen in lots of other places; the big retailers such as Amazon, eBay and AliExpress all carry them. They come in three flavors; soft OLED, hard OLED and LCD. LCD is the cheapest, but picture quality isn't as good, the screen doesn't extend all the way to the curved edge of the glass, and it uses more power so your battery life will not be as good.

Hard LED is the next most expensive; again since it's on a piece of glass, it can't be curved to match the edges of the screen and may be thicker than the original. They're supposedly not as sturdy as the soft OLED screens being made of glass rather than plastic. Power consumption and picture quality will be similar to the original though.

Finally the phone originally came with what's called a soft OLED screen. The LED circuitry is printed on flexible plastic so it can extend all the way to the curved edge of the glass digitizer, thus filling the entire display. Naturally, this is the most expensive option.

That all being said, here are the instructions for replacing the screen yourself.

iPhone XS Screen Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

One thing to be aware of is the True Tone function on your phone won't work after replacing the screen. It can be fixed with a device programmer that reads a piece of data off the old screen and writes it to the replacement screen, but you have to have one of those programmers; Qian Li and JIC are the most popular models. It'll cost between $60 and $100 to buy one, but if you can live without True Tone, everything else will work correctly without the need to program the screen,

Otherwise, best thing to do is look up local repair shops and ask for a quote to replace your screen. Be sure to verify what kind of display they're using and if that includes the True Tone programming.

iPhone XS Screenの画像


iPhone XS Screen



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