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90 Geo Metro, No spark.

Very strange issue I am having. I was installing a new radio, had it all connected up and had it playing on high volume. I realized I should start the car so the battery could charge. It started right up as usual, but was running poorly. So I turned off the radio (which I assume was drawing alot) and then it idled normally. But I noticed the door open light was not working. So I shut it off and looked and the parking lights/instrument cluster lights were not working. Strange. I put a new fuse in, everything looked good, went to start it, and nothing, it only cranks over. I know there is fuel because I took out spark plug and its soaked with fuel after cranking so much. However there is no spark. How could that all happen from connecting a radio with some nice speakers? Any ideas on what could have happened????

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スコア 1

1 件の回答


@carsman248 I wonder if you somehow disconnected the wire to the coil pack (if your Metro has a Tach, start there). Double check your work and see if there is anything off or wrong connected. This is for a '92 but should still work for the '90 as well

Block Image


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

Thanks for the diagram, this helped me understand more of how the ECM works. I did have an aftermarket tachometer connected, so I disconnected that just to be safe. I went out there this morning and I wanted to see if the camshaft was turning, because if the timing belt broke I would have these same symptoms. I disconnected the fuel injector so it wouldn't spray more. To my surprise, it started with what fuel was left in the engine probably. I reconnected everything and now it runs, but extremely poorly. the engine is rough and idles terrible. I think the ignition coil may be failing, producing a weak spark? Maybe it was all a coincidence and has nothing to do with my radio.


@carsman248 absolutely possible. That is what happens when we wrench around on old Iron. Got to love that :-). Anyhow, happy you got some results. Remember, Repair is War on Entropy!




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