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New 97w Battery Replacement - Not charging past 47%

Purchased a new battery to replace my current Dell branded 97w battery. The replacement was easy, however the battery is not charging past 47% (first time) and left on over night 18 hours. I did reseat again with not luck. Also, upon removal I performed that CMOS "flea" power clear holding down the power after battery removed for about a minute. Also, thinking this battery might actually be just a little thicker than original a I'm not getting a true click motion on my touchpad. Will most likely return and get a Dell original but thought I would ask here first. Really like what this company is doing and would prefer doing business here.

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Create a battery report and compare the Design Capacity value versus the Full Charge capacity value.

For a new good battery they should nearly be the same value.

You may just have got a bad battery.

There is a 1 year warranty on the battery so if it is faulty getting a replacement should be no problem. Also explain about the "thickness" and the problem you think it caused. They may have got a bad batch who knows?


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