
モデル番号はA1708/EMC 3164。2017年6月発売。このエントリーレベルのMacBook Proには伝統的なFunction Keyが搭載されています(OLED Touch Barの反対)。

565回答 すべてを表示

MacBook Pro a1708 2017 13" | Unable to turn on at all

Hi! Seeking repair guidance to deconflict possible faults for my friend's Macbook Pro 13", 2017 model a1708.


- No water damage

- No notable issues prior to this failure

- Fans do not spin on startup

- Touchpad clicks have feedback

- Keyboard has absolutely no backlight(no keys at all)

- Power button on keyboard works because holding the power button for a couple of seconds makes the touchpad feedback go away

- SSD remains warm when macbook is 'switched on'(means when touchpad has feedback when pressed)

- Display remains dark all the way with no signs of lighting

- No sounds emitted regardless of volume up buttons and continuous mashing to multiple buttons

Solutions tried so far:

  1. Reset of SMC
  2. Connected it to another Macbook with Apple Configurator, does not enter DFU state when power, right shift, left control and command button is pressed.
  3. Disconnected the power and keyboard from the logic board and plugged in the power, touchpad receives feedback when pressed but still no signs of lighting up nor booting nor fan spinning
  4. Plugged in to external monitor with working USB C to HDMI connector when 'switching on' and Solution 3 but monitor does not receive any signal

Extra info:

  1. Battery seems to remain flat and able to hold charge
  2. I do not have a voltage checker/multimeter
  3. I am not very familiar with Apple repair processes but am familiar with normal PC/laptop fixing

Can anyone suggest any repair guides/process I can undertake to figure out the point of fault? I hope my post provides sufficient clarity. Any help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

I stripped everything.

I connected the logic board without ssd, and connected only the display. I was able to get the fan to start spinning, but no display at all appears. I also connected to my external monitor and nothing shows.

Thereafter- I slowly started to add the other components, in this order: keyboard > ssd > speakers. All returned the same result, fan spins once power is connected, no display, no lights at all on keyboard(not even caps lock), no sound. I have yet to reconnect everything as I am quite tired and am gonna take a quick break.

Any idea what could be the problem?

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スコア 1

1 件の回答


This is a model with no T2 chip, so no DFU mode. But kudos for even getting to that point. There's actually a wiki for this exact sort of issue which might help.

But I'll cut to the chase already since you've done a lot of this already. Also. Would strongly recommend getting a USB C multimeter for this sort of issue since they can help a LOT.

Usually in this case, the first thing I would do a "hardware isolation" sort of process to see if it's an issue with parts, or the board itself. Unplug literally everything from the board. Including the SSD. Reconnect only whatever the minimum number of things you'll need to know it's powering on. Probably a screen in this case would be the easiest. Even leave battery disconnected.

Plug in a charger, which could prompt it to power on and see if you get anything on the display. It may be REALLY slow since certain components are not connected and the SMC will accommodate by throttling the bejeezus out of the CPU. That's normal. If you get power, start reconnecting and retesting parts one by one until you find the one that results in no power.

Also, would strongly recommend taking the logic board out and giving the USB C ports a good inspection. Damage there can hide easily and can cause a bunch of weird power on issues if there is damage there.


スコア 2

5 件のコメント:

Hi Alisha! Thanks so much for even getting back to me! :)

You mentioned hardware isolation - can I ask if you have a list of parts I should connect in sequence to determine faults? I checked the wiki out as well but it doesn't give me a clear sequence of checks after full disassembly.


@requesting4help No particular order. It's on my to do list to make a proper hardware isolation guide. But it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, Whatever makes the most sense to you. Usual issues on this model will probably be keyboard, trackpad, and SSD and display.

You can use the presence of fan spin to check for progress as well in the absence of display, but as a note fan signals on this model come through the keyboard cable so that will need to be plugged in to get fan spin.. Or use an external display entirely. But my general process is to trust nothing works until proven otherwise.


Hi! Would like to give an update - I stripped everything.

I connected the logic board without ssd, and connected only the display. I was able to get the fan to start spinning, but no display at all appears. I also connected to my external monitor and nothing shows.

Thereafter- I slowly started to add the other components, in this order: keyboard > ssd > speakers. All returned the same result, fan spins once power is connected, no display, no lights at all on keyboard(not even caps lock), no sound. I have yet to reconnect everything as I am quite tired and am gonna take a quick break.

Also just wanted to highlight that sometimes the fan doesnt spin immediately upon plugging in the power and it starts when I push down on the display connector.

I find it extremely weird that

1. if it was a logic board issue, the fan shouldnt be spinning at all.

2. if it was a display panel and/or display panel connector issue, there should have been display on my external monitor when plugged in and keyboard should have lit up.

Granted, I am making assumptions about the macbook as I would with a typical windows laptop, where parts are more fragmented/independent.

Any idea what could be the problem?


Hey there @HelpMePlease - I was wondering if you ever got this resolved. I have a very similar issue which I am troubleshooting. Did you gather any insight from your troubleshooting? Have a great week!


@caspianstrider You say it’s similar, how similar? Can you give us some symptoms?




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