
2017年11月4日発売。モデルA1865、A1901。GSMまたはCDMA/64GBまたは256GB/シルバーまたはスペースグレイ。(発音は「iPhone 10」と同じ)。

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What parts can I swap to make up a NEW phone?

Quick question?

If I have a beat up unlocked iPhone X & one iCloud locked iPhone X, which parts can I swap to make up a NEW phone?

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1 件の回答


Hi Junaid,

Assuming you want to keep your Face ID functional, the minimum number of parts you'll want to take from your old phone is three, as these three components are all required for Face ID. The are:

  1. Logic Board
  2. Front camera assembly
  3. Earpiece speaker assembly.

You can use my guide to swap those parts out; remove them from both phones then reassemble those three parts from the broken phone into the one with the iCloud lock.

iPhone X Face ID Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

If the screen on the "beat up" phone is usable, that one would be preferable to keep for two reasons; first, it will save you having to remove the earpiece speaker assembly and transfer it to the other screen, and second, the True Tone function will continue to work with no other effort required.

If you choose to use the screen from the good phone, be aware that True Tone will no longer work unless you use a device programmer to read the phone's serial number out from either the phone itself or the original screen and copy it to the replacement screen. Special programmers like the Qian Li iCopy are required to do this, but if you save the old screen you should be able to take it and the replacement to a repair shop and have them copy the serial number for a modest fee.

That's everything. I am sure about, but I have heard anecdotal stories of the Taptic Engine also needing that same kind of serial number programming. I have not experienced that being a problem myself, but have heard from technicians who say they have. So just to be safe, you might consider taking along the Taptic Engine with the other parts you're swapping over since you'll have it out anyway.

The parts I mentioned are all linked to the logic board, so if you move them all along with the logic board, everything should work the same once you've transferred them to the new housing.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!


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