
2014年4月のアップデートによりアップルの13インチMacBook Airはデュアルコアi5またはi7プロセッサーの更新とわずかなバッテリー性能の向上がされました。

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MacBook Air totally unresponsive to power up

My laptop is unresponsive to any attempt to turn on. I did the SMC and NVRAM resets, I opened and inspected and found nothing unusual, I unplugged the internal battery and attempted to boot with just power cable, I’ve held the power button for extended period, I tried shift+ power long hold.

Nothing has worked. When I push the power button, I hear barely a moment of electronic noise or fan creep and then it dies instantly but this is not consistent.

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1 件の回答


Not good ;-{ From what you describe your logic board has issues.

So you might find someone with the needed tools and skills to fix your logic board or you could just replace it. But the expense of replacing it given this series limitations may not be worth it MacBook Air 13インチ Early 2014 ロジックボードの交換

Maybe it’s time to look at the used systems market for a newer version like the 2016 or 2017 models.


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