
2018年9月21日に発売されました。モデル番号A2097, A2098、GSM もしくはCDMA / eSIM もしくはナノSIM / 64, 256、512 GB / シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ。(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 S.")

402回答 すべてを表示

Dead Touch Screen - Will Face ID work?

  1. The phone’s display lights up/works but the touch screen does not work
  2. The phone reboots every minute or so randomly
    1. I was told by a local repair shop that the iPhone is rebooting because Face ID is not working but still enabled

If I change the display to a new one, will Face ID still be supported? What is your advice?

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スコア 0

Well, if you replace it yourself your warranty will go void, and no the face ID will not work due to apple making the screens when replaced it makes it so face ID won't work so I recommend sending an email to apple support to see if you can have apple replace the screen or the phone. that's my advice and face ID will NOT work if replaced yourself or a non apple repair technition so i am sorry to say that you will only have touch with that phone if you replace it yourself but even then i heard that the touchscreen will stop working eventually too (i can not prove its right) ...





You can change the screen yourself and still retain face ID. I don’t know why people are telling you different.

The only reason face ID would stop working would be due to the front flex assembly being damaged while transferring it over to the replacement screen. Is this what happened? This will also make the phone reboot. You can check this by disconnecting the flex and see if it still reboots.

As for no touch did the repair store try a replacement screen?


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

ummm no its true apple does make it so face id will not work due to the seiral code knowing the screen is not the original


@Ayden Aldrich If you follow this procedure face ID will still work. iPhone XSスクリーンの交換



If you replace the display your self, Face ID and True Tone will no longer work (Yet another one of Apple’s attempts to deter people from doing it themselves, and paying them high prices do to it instead.) This is because the parts in your phone are paired via serial numbers, meaning removing the original display and replacing it with another one will cause the features associated with that specific part of your device to be unusable. The display and front camera will function normally but you will frequently be reminded by your phone that the display is not a genuine Apple display.

There is however there is a work around, using a machine similar to a QianLi iCopy, it is possible to copy the original serial number from the display and put it on your new display, tricking the phone into thinking the new display is the original, meaning Face ID, and true tone will function normally.

In short, I would personally fix it myself and use a machine to reprogram the screen making it function normally. If you are not interested in doing the above then I would recommend checking with a repair shop and getting a quote from them, before taking it to Apple and paying top dollar for an relatively easy fix.


スコア 1

If I opt to not copy the serial number, Face ID will not work - but will I still be able to use the phone as usual without any interruptions?


スコア 0

3 件のコメント:

yes you would be able to use the phone as normal


just no face ID or true tone


That is correct, Face ID and True Tone will be permanently disabled, but your phone will operate normally with the exception of a occasional warning. (See picture) https://valkyrie.cdn.ifixit.com/media/20...




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