
2017年6月発売。このiPad Pro 10.5インチモデルは2016年に発売されたiPad Pro 9.7インチモデルのアップグレード版です。

145回答 すべてを表示

Getting back True Tone

Okay so I have been looking literally everywhere possible to try and find a reprogrammer for iPad so that I can get the True Tone functionality back once I replace the screen. Is there a reprogrammer for iPad screens out there somewhere and I just missed it or am I just going to have to go through Apple to get True Tone on my iPad like I had before the screen was destroyed?

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As far as I know there isn’t any programmer available for programming TrueTone on the iPads but if the LCD is fine you might be able to find someone who can refurbish the display by just replacing the glass. Do your research on whoever you choose to do the work to make sure they know what they’re doing. Just be aware that it may take a couple weeks or more. Or just take it to apple.


スコア 1


Both the glass and the LCD are in terrible condition so I may just take it to Apple




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