
2015年3月のアップデートではAppleの11インチMacBook Airは第5世代Intel Core i5またはi7プロセッサーを特徴としており、これによりわずかな性能とバッテリーライフの向上がされました。

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Ghost 'repeat key' // Mouse selection inhibit // Odd behavior

I executed a factory restore on this Macbook Air and installed Big Sur, later to execute another format and install Catalina due to program compatibility and plan to gift this to a friend who just started a business so they may use until it becomes necessary to purchase new.

ISSUES — The problems I am having are shown in the videos below.

ATTEMPTED — These are processes I have attempted.

Any information or suggestions appreciated as the Genius Bar is 2-3 weeks booked due to the current state of the world.

Stay safe all!

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This sounds (looks like) a messed up Trackpad. Both the keyboard and trackpad analog inputs are converted into USB2 signals to then be carried to the main logic board from it. So either there is pressure from a worn battery pressing on it, or some liquid damage is messing it up.

Here’s the guide to get to it MacBook Air 11インチ Early 2015のトラックパッドの交換 inspect the battery for swelling as well as the cables sitting under it as well as the trackpad its self for liquid damage. Here’s the needed part if you don’t see anything visibly MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2013-Early 2015) Trackpad

MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2013-Early 2015) Trackpadの画像


MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2013-Early 2015) Trackpad



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