
2015年3月のアップデートではAppleの11インチMacBook Airは第5世代Intel Core i5またはi7プロセッサーを特徴としており、これによりわずかな性能とバッテリーライフの向上がされました。

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Why does my replacement battery show "Replace Now" battery status?

I’ve worked with iFixit Macbook battery replacements several times over the past year, and I think they’re great! This time, after I charged up a “new” 11” Macbook Air (early 2015) battery from iFixit, the capacity looked great but the battery status was “Replace Now”. Strangely, it also showed that it had 16 cycles on it already (?? I thought these were supposed to come with 1 cycle?) and it arrived in a completely discharged state. I may need a replacement replacement battery… I’m testing its actual life in the Macbook now, and will go through the battery calibration process during this first charge cycle.

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1 件の回答


Contact the iFixit Store for a replacement. The batteries firmware got messed up.

Contact iFixit Customer Support


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