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Shipping to Luang Prabang, Laos

Hello, I have encountered several travelers here in Laos who have pretty much all encountered rainy season water damage to their machines. For all of us, I am looking for pentalobe drivers. They do not exist in the area I am at, there are no Apple ASR’s is Laos - at all.

To deal with this, I want to get the 5 Standard Precision Screwdriver set, I am willing to pay shipping, DHL does it here, how can I proceed?

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1 件の回答



According to the ifixit USA store International Shipping information, found on the ifixit orders and shipping FAQ page, they don’t ship to Laos.

They do say however that the list of supported countries can change over time.

There is an email Contact Us link near the bottom of the page.

I suggest that you contact them directly to see what options may be available to you.

Alternatively try contacting the Australian ifixit store (contact link on page] as they also stock the 5 standard precision screwdriver set but they don’t say what countries that they ship to.

Hopefully this is of some help


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