
1.83、2.0、2.1、 2.16、2.2、または2.4 GHzのいずれかのCore 2 Duoプロセッサーを搭載したModel A1181

1204回答 すべてを表示

Sleep indicator light completely off

Hi, I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while and it only took me this long (5 years). I have an A1181 I still use daily because it has Freehand MX (don’t ask). The entire computer is fine, the battery even holds a decent charge. Only issue I have sounds really picky but I have never seen the sleep indicator light (SIL) come on. It’s a very slight issue but it bothers me every time I close the lid or turn it on. I just really like seeing that light.

SMC reset doesn’t work.

Is there any way to fix this other than replacing the entire thing? I also bought another dead A1181 for parts, so that shouldn’t be much of a problem.

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This is a ridiculously stupid question. I know.



1 件の回答

No its not stupid! I bet you replaced your HDD at some point and in the process you forget to connect the IR/SLI cable to the HDD cable as seen here in Step 19 in this guide MacBook Core 2 Duo Hard Drive Connector Replacement


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3 件のコメント:

I've never taken this computer apart and the hard drive is original (bad idea)

I know because it was with my family since 2008... I actually should probably be backing it up right now.


@nagayoshi765 - Rarely does the LED fail, You'll need to take it out to see if its damaged or has a cold solder joint.


@danj I guess I'll just live with it until I don't have to use Freehand. It was left on a shelf for about 2 years though




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