iPhone X not vibrating. Taptic engine good, antenna flex also good.

Hi, Vibrate function not working on a iPhone X.

I’ve re set all setting still did not fix problem. Tried re booting nothing. Installed latest iOS nothing.

I checked all the setting and everything is on as it should be, it should vibrate but it does not.

I pulled the taptic engine out and tested it with a Light Sensor and Vibrator Repair Programmer - W13 Pro-XH For iPhone 7-11 Pro Max. It passed the test and vibrated once I connected it to the W13 Pro XH, went through all the frequencies worked fine. Put it back in did not work. So taptic engine not faulty.

Tried changing the flex that connects to the taptic motor, nothing, still did not work no vibration.

What else should I check? Any advise would be appreciated.

Is it a motherboard issue with the Vibrator Driver IC U5100?

I tried measuring current and resistance through the cables and connectors. Seems fine, Although I dont have any reading to compare it to.

Please help any advise that would point me in the right direction?

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