
Model番号 A1225 / Mid 2007とEarly 2008 / 2.4, 2.8もしくは3.06 GHz Core 2 Duoプロセッサ

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2007 iMac 24" black screen works for 2 months then black for 2 months?

So my 2007 iMac 24” has the black screen issue, but not the typical issue where you can see the display if you put a flashlight to it.

It goes black then I try the pram reset, then try to boot another 10 times then put it in the garage to collect dust for a couple of months. It does make the normal spin noise from the cd/dvd on boot and it does chime. After a couple of months if I plug it back in and boot it, it works.

Then a month or so goes by and when I boot it, it is black screen again. It should be noted the #4 LED is off when it goes through its couple of months of being black.

And on when it works. I’m not sure if moving it around after a couple of months has made a bad connection reconnect or if maybe the temperature in the garage either makes some faulty connectors expand or retract and then it works again.

Any ideas? I’m thinking its a loose connector or a faulty connector somewhere, but this process always repeats, its reliable for a month or so, then black for a couple months, then works again.

Rinse and repeat …

I know some people will say its a bad LCD, or bad inverter, or bad I/O board, or a bad logic board, but if I show it to someone while its going through its phase of working and ask whats wrong with it?

The answer would be nothing, it looks like everything is working fine.

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Nothing like paying $70 for a logic board to end up with the same problem.





Lets try installing a fresh PRAM battery CR2032 3 volt button cell.

Given the age and the fact you store your system for long periods I’m sure the battery is worn out. What can happen is the battery drops below the threshold of being able to support the settings so the settings get messed up. You disconnect the system put it away the battery looses the power altogether! Now with no settings held you plug in your system and it works! But the battery can act like a capacitor so the trickle vampire charge for the power cord charges up the battery but not enough to hold the settings so the settings get corrupted once again! You disconnect the system the store it away and the cycle continues!

Block Image

Update (05/10/2020)

I was hoping the simple fix was all that was needed ;-{

At this point I’m sure your issue is within the logic board iMac Intel 24" EMC 2211 Logic Board you’ll need to transfer the CPU over.

iMac Intel 24" EMC 2211 Logic Boardの画像


iMac Intel 24" EMC 2211 Logic Board



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3 件のコメント:

Was really hopeful this was the fix. Replaced with a new CR2032 3 volt. Still have a black screen. It chimes on startup and the dvd/cd spins like normal, but still have a black screen. Shined a flashlight at the screen to see if the display was there, but nothing.


In a month or so, the logic board will be good again. Looks like its time to get out the multi-meter.


Replaced the logic board... no change.



When it goes bad, go ahead and leave it plugged in for a couple of days to see if this might be a failing capacitor(cans). There were a lot a failing caps around this time. It might be worth it to take a look at the cans on the power supply to see if any are swollen and/or leaking.

I’d also hook up an external monitor when it goes black to see if you can narrow down the issue to a component.


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