
Model番号 A1225 / Mid 2007とEarly 2008 / 2.4, 2.8もしくは3.06 GHz Core 2 Duoプロセッサ

435回答 すべてを表示

Black screen, no chime iMac 2007 a1225

Replaced graphic board and motherboard and when it is turned on there is no chime and no screen. The 4 diagnostic led lights light up.

The graphic card was replaced due to when you started the computer all it did was chime every 4 or 5 seconds and nothing showed up on the monitor. The motherboard was replaced cause I broke off a diode when removing the graphic card. :(

Any help would be appreciated.

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2 件のコメント

You'll need to give us a bit more here as the A1225 24" iMac models encompass quite a few variations! Can you give us the EMC number for your system.


@danj the emc number is 2211. thank you



1 件の回答


Lets try the simple fixes first! A common issue I’ve seen on these older systems is the PRAM battery has died messing the system up from booting. Locate the battery in the bottom right corner.

Block Image

Let’s see if that gets you going after you do a PRAM reset.

What I fear is the Inverter has died or the CCFL’s.


スコア 1

11 件のコメント:

I took the battery out and then reinstalled it and same results. I have tried to connect to another monitor and get nothing but I not sure if the adapter from mini divi to vga works correctly.


@dragonfish44 - Did you get a fresh battery? A dead battery won't help us.


I just put a brand new one in and still same results.


At the point you'll need to remove the GPU board going back to your original MXM board. Also what did you get?


I have tried the GPU I purchased as well as reinstalled the original GPU both are the same ones. The original AMDs.





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