
Microsoft Corporationが設計したXbox One Sは、2016年8月に発売されました。Xbox One Sは、Xbox Oneを再設計した製品です。

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PowerA Xbox One controller left-stick and right-stick not working

i bought the controller last year on my birthday July 20th 2019 and i love it it feels nice in the hands i have never dropped it and i was playing pay day 2 and right stick was getting weird it would not move right in game but it moved in real life but then the right analog stick got worse it wouldn’t move left or right in game then left stick started doing with up and down

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スコア 4
2 件のコメント



Im having issues with my pdp controller as well, right now its not letting me move in game with my joysticks or my RT and LT buttons but my D pad and ayx and b are working just fine what should I do.





I have this problem too. There is nothing to be done accept buy a new controller. They are purposefully made like that so you spend more money.


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

so should i buy fusion pro or buy a controller from a different company


yes.... that or try what @nick said.



The clone controllers are all crap - I don’t care if it’s licensed by Microsoft. It may be repairable if you replace the analog sticks, but it’s usually a board issue with those things. Even if you can, the parts usually cost more then the controllers in many cases.

Try the sticks and see - if you keep having trouble recover the new sticks and scrap the controller since the board is dead. Unless you absolutely cannot afford better, it’s better to stick to 1st party controllers, or something like the Elite Series 2. Scuf makes one with similar features, and it’s based on the 1st party Xbox controllers.

Try to avoid the Elite Series 1 - it’s based on the 1697 with modifications and 1697’s are known to have analog stick issues - just fewer then the 1537.


スコア 3

4 件のコメント:

powerA cheaper and has the same mods as elite series 2 but for 80 minus the tuneing


@Noah Vail And with more issues on the bad ones. I've never used a good aftermarket controller and have pretty much avoided them outside of the ones I own or when I HAVE to get one. Now if it's significantly cheaper with something like the paddles I can see trying to get along with one, but it's generally not going to last anywhere near as long. If you can get a cheap Series 1, it may be worth a look.

That said at least the licensed ones are better quality (that's about the best I can say positive about them), but they're still about as bad as the MadCatz ones used to be.


ima prob just sell my xbox and stuff to get a gameing pcc with me selling my xbox with steering wheel some games and my controller and my computer iwould have $17-1800 to spend


Scufs are trash please don't waste your money break within 2 months on most people. I always use pdp controllers they last me about 4 months for only 20 bucks. Regular xbox controllers get drift within the same amount of time so I figure go cheaper



I just got a PowerA controller literally after my PDP controller joystick was broken by my niece..but the pdp joystick is literally just loose which makes sense…NOW..what makes no sense is that i got a new controller played it on the simple games basically barely used the %#*@ thing and the controller is not loose..it just barely registers movement..simple answer Do not buy that brand until they get their sheet together lol..

PDP Controllers ARE The only ones to buy..literally never had an issue with it other than my niece breaking the joy stick after a year of Mortal Kombat and DBD mind you.. so the best as far as i know -_- i guess i can try and take this crap apart and fix it (but its only been a month or two..like what the fudge.


スコア 0


Solved the issue..And My goodness.. the Joystick was defective..like literally should not have been used..i only found out it was defective because i opened the controller..Luckily i has another controller with a non (defective joystick) so i switched the two and now it works fine..I assume it is made in a warehouse so some defective parts could enter into the mix..but jeez very annoying :/

P.S: the only reason my PDP could not be fixed is because there are two screws that i have tried A LOT of methods and nothing has worked on the two screws..even tried to pry it but no luck.



My Problem with this $@$* Controller is when i move my moving joystick the cameras Position is on like a other side which sucks so never BUY powerA they suck Hard as $@$*


スコア 0

i just bought my power A controller a week ago and only the right trigger stopped working … idk how to fix it


スコア 0


throw it across the room... works every time, or just threaten it's family




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