
2017年Appleは13インチMacBook Airに新Broadwell Intl Core i5プロセッサを搭載して登場させました。バッテリー寿命の改善とパフォーマンスがわずかに向上しました。

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nerf gun bullet hit my screen causing pastel stripes

My son shot a Nerf gun at the screen of my MacBook. There are pastel stripes radiating across and down from the point of impact. Is my computer broken? Will this go away? Should I hang him up by his toes?!!

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2 件のコメント

What type of Nerf Gun?


@Austin Nguyen This is from 2020; OP resolved and abandoned, most likely. Or dumped the laptop, we don't know.





The screen sounds busted to me without photos - you’ll need to replace the screen assembly in this case. The part can be found here.

This guide is for the 2015 Air, but the 2017 Air is basically a Broadwell-equipped 2015 Air. It's the same machine with a similar procedure, but different parts most likely. Refer to this guide to remove the screen.

As far as hanging him don’t do that LOL. If you feel inclined to get "even", force him to work several hours of chores or give you X of a McDonalds paycheck, or he's grounded until you get it. You'll still permanently damage the relationship (trust me, this is WHY I will never trust my dad's word again on "getting better" - he said it a lot, and just kept being nosy or a control freak because he had authority). Get your reimbursement if you want it, but if your son never forgives you for it that's on you!

Just to give you an idea of the amount of damage MY dad caused, I'm at a point as an adult where I am content to never forgive most (if not nearly all) of the past power trips and abusive authority. YES, even if a therapist begs me. While I no longer need to use some of the choice words I once used (think stuff like "GO F YOURSELF" or "DENSE" or just "POS"), the damage is done and I refuse to forgive him for the past. Things got better and I don't need to be on the hard offense as often, but the damage is really that hard to repair; it takes years, and if it's bad enough there's no forgiveness. Today, I get my revenge in the form of "I want this" (could be anything, like a 16" M1 MBP or Mercedes) and getting it when he may have never had the chance, or pulling off file recoveries with maintained legacy equipment he does not have.

MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Display Assemblyの画像


MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Display Assembly



スコア 2

The screen assembly needs to be replaced - its still usable though. The best solution right now (assuming u cant get it replaced) would be to hook it up to an external monitor and use it like that


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