
Model番号 A1225 / Mid 2007とEarly 2008 / 2.4, 2.8もしくは3.06 GHz Core 2 Duoプロセッサ

435回答 すべてを表示

How to find a part I broke on the power supply


I accidentally broke off a part that a wire connects to on the power supply. It connects in a spot labeled CN3. It's black, very small, and has 2 pins. Is this repairable by finding that one part and soldering it on or do I need a new power supply?

The larger board

Block Image

Zoomed in where the part was, box CN3

Block Image

Where the connection is

Block Image

Two angles of the broken part

Block Image

Block Image

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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5 件のコメント:

Why were in it in the first place?


I was going to replace a fan, but in the process of taking it apart this part broke off the board.


Can you post a couple of pictures so we can see any of the markings on the part as well as where it was located iFixitでの質問に画像を追加する方法


OK good! You pulled off the temp sensor connection. I'll need to dig around for the needed part info


I suppose a followup question is this. Would the computer start up if this was the only thing wrong with it? Or would it still work and the temperature sensor just wouldn't?



1 件の回答

how about try to solder that part or find some tiny wire to make as extension, then solder it to the board and part that was been remove but make sure you properly attach the exact connection for both end.


スコア 0

3 件のコメント:

I don't have much soldering experience. But you're saying if I solder the original wires back together it should still work?


Yup as long that you properly solder them in the right connection.


Ever find a solution? Working on a 2008 iMac and the plastic was so brittle the connecter basically disintegrated




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