
Galaxy S7 Edgeは Samsungの2016年最新モデルGalaxy S7のスクリーンがカーブしたデザインです。2016年2月に発表、同年3月11日に発売されました。モデル番号はSM-G935です。

20回答 すべてを表示

My phone is dead. How can I recover my data?

Before sleeping I pluged my phone to charge. I woke up in the morning and my phone was dead. The battery got replaced but it did not turn on. I have important data on my phone. Is there any way I can recover it? My phone: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

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@batmanjack you can’t. You need your phone to turn on to retrieve any data from it. Start by following the troubleshooting flowchart for the “No Power “ situation.

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Of course you should also try and change the charging port (flex) to see if that will make a difference. check this teardown to see what is involved with this. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Teardown


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6 件のコメント:

Is it possible to take the chip out and get access to my phone data using some kind of special adapter and software?


Nope all soldered to the circuit board and would require the rest of your board to work as well. All those parts "talk" to each other and need each other.


I watched this video on YouTube. Can you please check it out and tell me what you think as a pro? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXDUhhyY...


Yes absolutely possible with that setup just not for the DIY'er or on the S6 and/or above. The S7 uses UFS 2.0 in a FBGA153 layout and it is not likely you get any readable info by performing a chip-off and reading the chip like they did with the eMMC chip. Samsung uses that memory on the Galaxy S6, S7 and above. Remember that full disk encryption is required on Android 6.0 it is unlikely that this will work. I would contact them and see what the charge it for the recovery. Let us know since we would really like to know what the cost of that type of data recovery is and if they even have a setup for the S7.



My motherboard is damaged due to water, now it’s not starting I have important data in my mobile how can I get my data back?




The only way is powering on the Device like @oldturkey03 says, modern mobile devices are encrypted and encrypting keys only work if some hardware is detected, like iphones they need CPU ID, NAND ID etc. If you take out the EMMC you can’t access to the information because you need the key to decrypt the volume.

Old Android devices don’t have this feature by default and you can see the information like a usb stick device.


スコア 2


@rustedchip yes that is what I meant to say ;>)



To recover data from dead Samsung Galaxy S7, you can try Broken Samsung Data Recovery software. With its help, you can easily access to all data on the dead Samsung Galaxyy S7 and extract them out. Of course, if the data were deleted or lost, it’s impossible to recover them back. Please remember that.


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drinksgasca8 what data recovery software can access a dead (as in non-functioning, not working) phone.



Only thing you could try and do is plug the phone to a computer with a USB Cable and see if anything pops up in the DCIM folder or other folders. That might work.


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