
2017年Appleは13インチMacBook Airに新Broadwell Intl Core i5プロセッサを搭載して登場させました。バッテリー寿命の改善とパフォーマンスがわずかに向上しました。

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Mac NVME error year after upgrade

Hello everyone, hopefully someone can help me out. A year after changing the SSD on my macbook air early 2017 A1466 I started to get kernel panics (full report below). The macbook originally had 128gb and I upgraded to crucial's 1tb CT1000P1SSD8.

I bought the SSD new from ebay with adaptor and macOS 10.14 already pre-installed. Thing is the whole thing worked flawlessly for a year, but now whenever I give it more load like having slack open, opening android studio and an android emulator after a while the computer freezes and crashes (emulator seems to be the main culprit but having other heavy processes running does the same, e.g. it can be xcode + ios simulator + spotify + a bunch of safari tabs + slack etc.).

What's super strage is that when I open the lid, pull out the ssd and put everything back, it works nicely again for a while (can be even weeks), even under huge load.

Also, sometimes (rarely), when it panics and automatically restarts, it fails to boot with the crossed over circle icon until I give it some time. The computer always was warm whenever the panic happens so I think it may be related to heat, but don't understand why pulling the ssd and putting it back works, it's very firmly installed, like the original one was.

I tried to look at the stats using drivedx (and in real time too) and on bootcamp using crucials management app on windows and could not find any issues with heat or other things, health is always very good 0 warnings 0 errors etc. Also tried apple's diagnostics and no issues there too.

The same problems (only in the form of a bsod) are present when using windows 10 via bootcamp. Also would like to mention that apart from changing the SSD I did not do any other modifications (only opened it up to swap the ssd and did it very carefuly, nothing else).

This is one of the full crash reports (they are always the same):


Also the Mac is currently on Mojave 10.14.6

Any suggestions would be appreciated :)

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Sadly your SSD solution is the issue here. Using these adapters with a M.2 SSD often encounter this after a good year of use.

The clue in the crash report is crashing process IONVMeController as you can see here IONVMeController

You’ll need to replace both the adapter and the SSD at this point with either a new set or jump to a more suitable SSD (custom Samsung, OWC or Transcend)


スコア 5

2 件のコメント:

Thanks! Yea will just move to an apple drive, shame that there's only 512gb max, will be hard to readjust after experiencing 1TB haha. I did not really do research before buying the drive (just assumed it's gonna be similar to just replacing a sata drive and everything will just work), but at least I got a year of use out of it and will try to make it work as an external drive :)


You could try getting it replaced by Crucial if you can prove it is still under warranty. Sadly, if they check it they will find the tell-tail failure of the boot blocks which is what goes.

Apple did make larger SSD's! But they costly! The Ultimate Guide to Apple’s Proprietary SSDs Or go with OWC or Transcend both who make a direct drop in part.

I wouldn't trust it as an external drive with anything important.



I've seen the same issue with a pair of Adata SX8200 Pro drives (2TB), a Samsung 960 EVO (1TB), a Samsung 970 EVO Plus (2TB), and a Crucial P1 (1TB). I've documented adapter issues here:


Even after identifying disconnected board leads and soldering the leads back to the board, I think I agree w/ @danj that both the adapter and the SSD need to be replaced. I plan to keep updating my post linked above as I make progress. I'm also curious to hear what others here are experiencing, how did you fix the issue or did you just give up?


スコア 1

4 件のコメント:


I am having exactly the same problem for a couple of days ago, in particular using Slack, WhatsApp, Gmail and other. My computer stops responding, crashing (black screen - white message).

High Sierra 10.13.6

I was also using a Crucial P1 CT500P1SSD8 SSD 500 GB and Sintech NGFF M.2 PCIe SSD Adapter for Upgrade of 2013-2017 Macs (ST-NGFF2013). Installed in May 2019.

Which SSD reference could I take to avoid this? Your are mentioning custom Samsung or Transcend but there are numerous reference?

Do you have any idea why does the problem appear after a year?

Many thanks for your great expertise



I had the same problem on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) running High Sierra 10.13.6.

After I swapped out the 500G SSD drive that came with the MacBook, to a 1TB Crucial SSD (CT1000P1SSD8) I would constantly get Kernal Panics. This went on for a couple of months. Tried everything I read on the NET (disable sleep, etc..).

Then I read that maybe some MOSFETs on the mainboard were damaged, so I took out the 1TB Crucial SSD and put back the original 500GB SSD. It ran for a couple of days without any Kernal panics, so I knew it was not MOSFET problem but the drive. I put back the Crucial SSD in, and remarkably I have not had any Kernal panics for weeks now. Not even one. Problem has gone away.

I notice when I put back the original SSD, on the first boot it took a long time, as if some software/firmware was being upgraded. Perhaps this did something, or perhaps with new SSD was never seated properly.

So recommendation is to try re-seat your new SSD, or swap back to old SSD for a day or two.


I'd like to add that after a while my MacBook Pro started having resets again. Multiple times a day. I opened it up again, and removed the SSD with the adaptor card, and re-insterted it. I paid careful attention to make sure it was lined up straight because there is a bit of play with the adaptor. I also ensured the screw on the SSD to the mother board was in the middle of the mounting hole. I tightened it down firmly. It's been a few weeks now, and no more resets. So I suspect this problem has to do with the SSD not being perfectly mated with the adaptor and then motherboard and perhaps moving a bit with time.


Just wanted to chime in that I had the exact same problem. Mine started happening around 8 months after the install. The 2014 MacBook Air wouldn’t stay booted for a minute or so before a kernel panic. I have a 500GB Crucial P2 nvme drive and sintech short adapter.

What I did to fix it was simply open the back and re-seat the crucial m.2 drive. I just left the sintech adapter as is - although your results could vary.

The computer has now been booted a couple days without a KP. Everything’s back to the way it was, operating normally. Thanks!



Hello y'all,

I also had this IONVMeController issue. I upgraded my Macbook Air 13" 2015 with the Sintech NGFF adapter and a Crucial P1 500GB NVME SSD and it worked fine for the entire duration I had it. I then upgraded to a Crucial P2 1TB 3D NAND NVMe SSD. I had no issues using this configuration for 4 months until the crashing started. When I wake it from sleep it crashes; login after it auto sleeps, crashes; cold boot, crash; restarts, crashes again; Bootcamp to Win10, crash! Finally, the panics would occur every other time I booted. This kernel panic behavior got even worse and it would just crash while I was using it for university or watching videos, which was really annoying!

I followed guides on the internet and they did not resolve my issues. Here are some solutions I tried which did NOT resolve my issues but could help you:

  • PRAM and SMC Resets
  • Latest MacOS updates (I ran Big Sur)
  • Apple Diagnostics (Unhelpful as usual)
  • Disable "Power Nap while on battery power"
  • Using "caffeinate" command in Terminal
  • Disable hibernation via Terminal
  • Upgrading to Monterey
  • Downgrading to Big Sur and restoring from back up
  • Reseating the SSD (Make sure to properly shut down and remove the battery connector beforehand)

I tried everything because I really did not want to buy a proprietary SSD after I already upgraded my Air. I stopped short of buying a new SSD when I again inspected the SSD and the adapter. It appears that the plastic connector of the Sintech NGFF adapter can just so slightly bow a little bit upwards. I hypothesized that this bowing up of the adapter made the SSD not have a good connection.

Block Image

So I gently pushed down on the plastic of the Sintech adapter so that the top was more or less parallel to the pin array of the adapter. Then I cleaned it with some 99% IPA, dried it, and plugged it back in. I tested it for hours using heavy loads like Cinebench, opening several applications like mail, Discord, Google Chrome, and there hasn't been a single crash at all. To prevent this bowing again, I placed a piece of 1.5mm thermal pad on top of the adapter.

Block Image

I can happily say that my machine can still live on strong (hopefully)! Let me know if this works for you.


スコア 1

My guess is that something is touching that should not touch. Somewhere I saw Sintech was including kapton tape to insulate that adapter from something nearby. I’ve had this problem for about a year. I upgraded to a Crucial 500 and it worked perfectly for months. Now I have frequent kernel panics.



スコア 0


@kennthnel43336 - The root issue is the adapter and M.2 SSD over time warp so the connections are not stable. The Kaplan tape just prevents some drives from shorting out.

Think of it this way which is stronger a single board or a bunch of smaller boards nailed together spanning a distance.

This setup is just not stable if you push your system hard. Sadly there’s a bit more than just this that compounds things.

Best to stick with the proper drives or either OWC or Transcend which make drives that meet the Apple spec.




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