
Google PixelはGoogleから発売された最初のスマートフォンで、2016年10月26日に発売されました。5インチのAMOLEDディスプレイを搭載したこのデバイスには32GBもしくは128GBのオプションがあり、 ベリーシルバー(Very Silver)、クワイトブラック(Quite Black)とリアリーブルー(Really Blue)から選べます。

20回答 すべてを表示

How long for screen adhesive to cure?

I’m using the ifixit adhesive mask: IF356-018-1

Google Pixel XL Display Adhesive

I followed the directions: after assembly I heated the screen with my heat gun and weighted it down under a giant pile of books for more than 30 minutes (actually, 3+ hours).

Everything looked great, so I started updating the phone, and it got warm during these updates… and I noticed the screen had risen up!

So now I have the device back under a pile of books. How long does it take the adhesive to cure/dry? I dont want the screen coming off if the device gets warm or I leave it sitting in the sun…

This custom cut adhesive film secures the front glass digitizer screen to the midframe assembly of the Google Pixel XL. Models G-2PW2100, G-2PW2200, G-2PW4100, G-2PW4200.の画像


Google Pixel XL Display Adhesive


この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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OK, I heated the edge of the display and phone again, HOT, with a heat gun, and then I left it under 13 pounds of books for 12 hours.

This morning I took the phone out and used it casually, and after 2 hours I have noticed the display raising again. It's like the compressed adhesive strip swells back up and pushed the display up. Maybe this adhesive is too thick?





Hi @cvintage

When the screen starts lifting, are you able to freely lift it up further? Is it still stuck to the frame for the most part with only one corner lifting?

Freely lifting means the adhesive kit was either defective or not installed properly and will eventually lead to the screen lifting off completely. Partial lifting with a solid seal everywhere else means that something is pushing the screen off from the inside… such as leftover adhesive, pieces of glass, cables in the way, etc.

Either way, its worth removing the screen completely at this point to see which issue you’re having. In my experience, proper replacement adhesive will stick permanently within 30 minutes. It may also help to clean the frame with 99% alcohol and let it dry completely before installing more fresh adhesive (don’t use too much though or that foam will rip up and go everywhere)


スコア 2

5 件のコメント:

The display is still "stuck" to the display and the phone chassis, it just rises up a bit. The display when I take it out from under the books is flush with the chassis, as it should be, but then after a couple hours is is just a bit higher and I can see the black adhesive when looking from the side of the phone. The adhesive has its own thickness and I think it expands and pushes up. Or I guess it is possible the new battery is a bit thicker or something. I noted the tape provided by ifixit in the battery kit to stick the new battery in place was a bit thicker than the original. The original battery tape was thin and clear like plastic wrap, the new tape was 3M 200MP: very thin, but still thicker than the original. I was expecting both the battery adhesive strips and the display adhesive mask to all smush down and stay down... was that a poor expectation? Do you recommend a different adhesive mask than the one from ifixit? Google Pixel XL Display Adhesive


I believe the battery tape and the screen adhesive kit you have are not the problem. It's worth checking to see if the subframe is snapped in all the way around. There must be something internally pushing the screen off the device for it to keep lifting like that.


Ok, so I finally admitted the first attempt had failed, and for the first time I really pulled up on the screen, and the adhesive easily released. I confirmed the subframe appeared fully snapped in, but there was a bit of springiness above the battery. Meaning the center of the display was being pushed up a bit more than the edges. But very little... I don't think it was the problem. I then removed the subframe and checked the battery. The battery looked fine and was solidly attached to the bottom. There was no give at all pressing on the battery and it was flat. And then I cleaned the frame and screen again, very thoroughly and reassembled everything. There is still a slight springyness in the middle of the subframe above the battery, that does push the middle up a tiny bit, but it is hard to imagine this is the problem. It moves at most 20% of the thickness of the display. more next post...


more... I ordered a new adhesive mask from Amazon and I noticed in the reviews of the ifixit battery kit that the adhesive in that kit wasn't good. I received the new adhesive mask today, and it is *significantly* thinner than the original, and generally seemed better quality. (With all that, at the moment I am blaming the adhesive that came with the kit.) I put the new adhesive in and assembled the display, and it clearly fits tighter and better with the new thinner adhesive... the display immediately set flush with the frame! As per the directions, I heated the edges and it now rests under a pile of books. The directions say 30 minutes, but I'll wait overnight...


Glad to hear it wasn't anything destructive! Hopefully the phone is sealed and working properly for good.



Heat it up, then place it under some books. Around an hour should be fine. When you take the phone out make sure it has cooled down.


スコア 1


That is what I did the first time, and it didn't work... I actually let it sit 3 hours. I'm going to leave it overnight under the books now... any NEW tips?



30 mins to an hour clamp that screen down but try not to flex digi and put pressure on lcd


スコア 1

Actually don't put books on it just apply 3-4 rubber band on it and don't remove it for 6-7 hours it will be completely ok after it


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