
Model A1418 / Late 2013 / 2.7 & 2.9 GHz Core i5 or 3.1 GHz Core i7 プロセッサ

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LG screen lcd controller

I have an LCD display, model LM215WF3-SDD3 by LG, that comes from a 2014 iMac. The screen data connector is a 30 pin eDP (embedded DisplayPort) and the backlight power cable has a 10 pin particular connector. According to SDD1 datasheet (can’t find the SDD3 one, hope displays are identical) pin 1 and 10 are not connected, pin 5 and 6 are common anodes and pin 2-4 and 7-9 are the six cathodes for the six LED channels.

Looking around I found controllers with and without inverters and it seems that LED backlight needs inverters too (is it right? thougth only CCFL lights needed them).

The funny thing is that there are no specific controllers for this display model: controllers with inverters have only LVDS connector, controllers with eDP connector don’t have backlight connector and inverters.

After some researchs I found out that LVDS connector has backlight power pins, so can I connect these backlight pins to the screen backlight power? If so, I can buy a generic LCD controller for LED backlights with LVDS connector and buy or build my own cables and use the display, right?

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2 件のコメント

@oldturkey03 - Can you help Fancesco here?


No one can help me?





I found my kit on eBay:

How to build a display using a iMac


スコア 2

@maaago - Sadly, I would just replace the entire display assembly: iMac 21.5" LCD Panel & Front Glass Assembly (12/13) - Apple P/N 661-7109 if you had this system.

Trying to re-use it with some other system is just not something I get into. OldTurkey has re-used the display as an external display. He knew of the kit you would need to do this.


スコア 1

https://it.aliexpress.com/item/400113394... here you are


スコア 1

5 件のコメント:

Wow, I didn't expect an answer after so long... Thank you!


@maaago Are you italian, Francesco?


@jpreg si perchè?


@maaago ho il tuo stesso schermo, ho preso la scheda e l’ho montata, purtroppo ho rotto un flex dell’LCD quando l’avevo smontato (me ne sono accorto solo dopo aver montato la scheda, puoi vederlo nelle foto dell’annuncio) quindi ormai non mi serve più.

Se ti potesse interessare la sto vendendo http://www.subito.it/vi/362012886.htm


@jpreg Ok ci sentiamo lì




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