
モデル番号 A1213/ 8, 16, 32 GB容量

20回答 すべてを表示

iPod Will Not Stay on


A friend recently gave me an iPod Touch 1st Generation

8GB If that matters

I plug it into my charger and the screen comes to the apple a few seconds later it shuts off and the only way to get the apple back is to unplug it and plug it back in then again for no more than a few seconds it shuts down

iTunes doesnt see it

3uTools doesnt see if hopefully someone else has had this issue and can help thanks

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This sounds like a battery issue giving the age of the device. Lithium Ion batteries are only made to charge about 300 to 500 times before you start to notice performance decreases. We see issues with Apple devices not working correctly even when plugged in if the battery is bad. This is likely why iTunes can’t see the device. If you never get the device to fully power up, then it’s also likely that’s the reason iTunes can’t see it. Honestly, the price of the repair might be more than the device is even worth even if you do the repair yourself. With the age of the device, finding a good battery might also be a problem.


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lol you don’t need to tell me that I have an iPod Touch 5 and I don’t even use that I use my iPhone XR for music this is just a collection piece I just wanted to see if I was missing something



Is there a battery? It could be stopping since it doesn’t detect the battery. If there is one, it could be a trashed battery. The thing is, it’s not being detected by iTunes and 3uTools, so it could have a damaged board. May just want to sell this thing.


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2 件のコメント:

Interesting the battery connectors (solider points) look strange


Add a picture, if you could, please. I'll take a peek and see if that's whatks up.



Your battery is probably dead buy a new one and it should work. The battery will have to be soldered in so if you don’t know how to do it you will have to go to a professional. [リンクされた製品が存在しない、もしくは無効: IF132-005] iPod Touch 1st Generation Battery Replacement


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