
モデル番号A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 or 3.4 GHz Core i7 プロセッサ

330回答 すべてを表示

Needs graphics card replacement

I have the white screen of death. Went to apple they say its my video card. How do i change my video card and where can i buy it?

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1 件の回答

Sadly, your system does not have a video board like the older 2011 models. The newer thin series all use an integrated GPU chip on the logic board.

Basically, you’ll need to replace the logic board. We don’t have a proper teardown for this exact model for you to see the GPU but the next one in the series iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Teardown. Jump down to Step 6 to see the GPU logic which is the same as yours.


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