
2016年9月16日に発売。モデル番号は1660, 1778で GSM かCDMA があり。/ 32、128、 256 GB / 色はローズゴールド、ゴールド、シルバー、ブラック、ジェットブラック

20回答 すべてを表示

iPhone juddery / laggy after screen replacement

Hi everybody,

I already replaced a lot of LCD’s (no iPhone 7’s) and never had any issue.

Now I had an iPhone 7 to repair (screen replacement) and ordered a china display.

After replacing the screen, I noticed that the iPhone performance (ios 11.4.1 - latest one) is not the same as it was before. It’s not that bad but the difference between before and not is obvious. The phone doesn’t crash or doesn’t need long to open apps, or the performance is not 1sec behind as some people complain. It’s just working little bit slower (juddery).

I would like to know if this issue is related to the china display or if I broke something during replacing the display?

Unforutnately I don’t have the original display, otherwise I would have tried it.

Finally I ordered another Display from Amazon that has a 5 Star revision (120 revisions). This one is better as the one before. It’s kind of faster but still not as fast as an original Display.

Has anyone did the same experience or has the same issue?

Thanks in advance.

This evening I will upload a Video to show you guys exactely what the issue is.

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スコア 3



I believe this part will best suit your needs and it is high quality, because it is supplied by iFixit too. @mrgeek summarized the problem well, and this display should fix your problem ;-)


スコア 2

3 件のコメント:

Hi @ajcooke01 ,

Thanks for you answer. I ordered a new display.

It was still not perfect but better than the 1st one.

I returned the 2nd LCD as well and went to a local phone repair shop and tried their LCD.

Lo and behold, that worked perfect!!!

So it was definitely a LCD quality issue.

Thank you all for your time and respones.




Definitely glad to hear the the local shop was able and willing to help you out! Sometimes shops don't want to sell parts to DIY customers, so I'm glad that you found a shop with a nice sense of community!


@ayrix Anytime my friend ;-)



Hi Ayrix!

Replacement part quality is your problem. There are a HUGE number of variations in replacement display quality. The iPhone replacement display assemblies on Amazon tend to be faily low quality. Perhaps a local shop would be willing to sell you a display?




スコア 2

3 件のコメント:

Hi Joshua,

are you sure about that? Have you done this experience before?

Thanks a lot


Hi Ayrix!

I operate a cell phone repair store in Portland, Oregon. I'm quite certain that the quality level of display assemblies sourced on Amazon is a complete roll of the dice. :-)



Totally agree!



I bought an iphone with one of those low quality screens. The issue i think is the number of touches/sec it detects, it is much inferior to an original screen. Returned the phone right away!


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