
モデル番号A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 or 3.4 GHz Core i7 プロセッサ

330回答 すべてを表示

iMac does not power up - no sound, nothing

I have an late 2012 iMAC that does not power up. It was fine the day before and didn't do anything a day later.

When I connect the power cord I can hear a slight sound. Thereafter nothing happens when I press the power bottom. Pressing it for longer time does not help either nor does it help to reset the SMC. The shift caps led on the keyboard is not working.

I took off the screen and connected the power cord: only one LED (lowest) on the logic board is on (the screen is not connected). After pressing the power switch this one LED turns off as well.

I removed the power supply and connected it via the iMAC to the mains. Mains connection is ok. I get 12V and -12 V on some of the pins of the connector the logic board. I also can't see or smell any blown up capacitors.

Any ideas?

Update (07/17/2018)


tried a new power supply which was difficult to get - so it took some time. Plugged it in and the situation is the same:

- When I connect the plug to the mains the lowest LED is on.

- Once I press the power button of the iMAC this LED goes off (all off).

- I have to disconnect the mains and wait for a short moment and then after connecting the iMAC again to the mains the lowest LED is on again.

- If I do the last step too fast the lowest LED stays off.

Any other ideas what to try?



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スコア 1

Did you have a lightning storm just before or a power outage? If you did its possible bot the power supply and the logic board got the hit.

I guess in your case the logic board needs replacing. But I would do that before returning your power supply if you can. Just to remove the double hit.

If you don't have a surge suppressor or UPS then this is more likely.



1 件の回答


I would say your power supply is still the issue. Here’s the IFIXIT guide: iMac Intel 27インチ EMC 2546 電源装置の交換 and here’s the needed part: iMac Intel 27" (Late 2012-2020) Power Supply

iMac Intel 27" (Late 2012-2020) Power Supplyの画像


iMac Intel 27" (Late 2012-2020) Power Supply



スコア 1


Changed the logic board as well and system is now back to work.

Thanks for the help.






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