
Huaweiの2016年最新モデルスマートフォンです。ユニボディケースと Leicaと共同開発されたデュアルリアカメラが特長です。32もしくは64GB容量オプションがあり、7つのカラーバリエーションがあります。モデル番号はEVA-L29, EVA-L19とEVA-L09です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Can you replace the simcard reader on the P9?

Hello, so i bought a P9 and the woman said that it would not connect to the network, but that the phone still read the simcard.

But when i got the phone and tried it out the sim-reader did not work.

So my question is, can you desolder this and solder a new one on it? I have not seen any videos about it . Does anybody know a solution?

picture of the simreader on the motherboard:


Thanks in advance!

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1 件の回答


You would need a hot air rework station and relevant soldering tools to remove the sim / microSD reader combo and replace it.

It's fairly pricey to do if you don't have the tools and requires some experience to avoid damaging components around the reader.


スコア 3

3 件のコメント:

Would one of these be good enough? What do you have to look after when buying one of these?



Second link seems good, has everything you need. Though you should use something to cover surrounding components to stop them from being heated. e.g kapton tape for example.

I recommend watching some videos on youtube on how to replace the sim reader using those kind of tools.




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