
モデル番号A1707。 2017年6月に発売されたこのMacBook Proは、最大3.8 GHzのTurbo Boost搭載の最大2.8 GHzクアッドコアIntel Core i7プロセッサーまでのKaby Lakeプロセッサーを搭載しています。

20回答 すべてを表示

RAM Upgrade to more than 16Gb?

My new top of the line (maximum options MBPro) struggles more to cope with large files and edits in Lightroom than my old one.

Can the RAM be further increased to more than 16Gig?

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スコア 6

Sadly, you're not the first to need more than 16 GB of RAM.

You might want to look at freeing up as much space on your internal SSD storage as you can as I'm sure you are running lean on free space. That way your system will be able to leverage it for virtual RAM. For storage of your work get a Thunderbolt external RAID drive (SSD if you can swing it).





If you didn't buy the upgrade from Apple, no.

If Apple didn't make that option, no.

This machine has ZERO upgradeability. All upgrades must be purchased upfront and requires Apple providing the option in the first place.


スコア 4

2 件のコメント:

There was no option of more RAM available


The only option was to get the larger SSD storage which would have helped a bit.



Apple, in its infinite wisdom, is telling you that you don't need more RAM.

There is nothing wrong with your Macintosh.

Do not attempt to adjust the picture.

We are contolling the transmission .

If we wish to make it louder we will bring up the volume.

Is we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper.

We will control the horizontal.

We will control the vertical.

We can roll the image. etc., etc

We will control all you see and hear



スコア 5

2 件のコメント:

@mayer - I love it:-}



Well, I suppose if you were DosDude2 you could upgrade the memory, but for us mere mortals that don't do chip-level swaps and mods, we're out of luck. When I was getting a newer MBP for my daughter (she had a mid-2009) I researched which was that last fully-upgradable model, and got a mid-2012 for her on fleaBay (bought one w/o a disk and a minimal amount of memory, since I was upgrading those).

Now her machine is acting up, and I may have to get a newer one for her (would rather give her a ThinkPad with Linux, but she was using some Mac Apps)

@mayer is right. Apple products are products from the Outer Limits, certainly not from here on Earth.


スコア 0


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