
2009年6月発売/ 2.53 GHz Core 2 デュオプロセッサ

170回答 すべてを表示

grey screen, non functioning trackpad or keyboard

I originally reviewed this machine with a few keys not functioning, one of those keys being 'R' so booting into recover mode hasn't been an option.

I originally opened this machine to clean the keyboard ribbon connector, I did that, then stripped the rest of the system down to fix a dent without causing harm to any components. I put the system back together and now it only boots to a grey screen.

My only option is booting into safe mode with the 'shift' key or holding the 'option' key then selecting my hard drive. Strangely enough my keyboard works while booting but once the OS is loaded its not functional whats so ever.

Please help, I'm running OS-X El Captain (10.11.6)

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スコア 0

Have you tried using a USB keyboard?





When you boot holding the option key you should then be able to select the recovery drive.


スコア 2


yes i tried that and i attempt to install a new os x onto the drive but it does not complete the install because it can not boot



If you can get into System Preferences, open the keyboard panel take note of the keyboard driver being used and then delete it. Then add it back in so it's refreshed. See if that solves it.

Update (08/29/2017)

Here's where the keyboard drivers are located:

Block Image

You want to remove the the one on the left then add it back


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

I'm currently using a usb keyboard and mouse to navigate... but i can't seem to locate where i would see which specific driver is used by the keyboard, i also read somewhere this could be a nvram/pram issue because my fan is constantly running. hope that information can help


unfortunately that did not work... although i did find my current internal hdd is failing... could that be a factor in the grey screen issue. i also am able to boot with the option/alt key or option/alt and the d key.




marc rollins さん、ありがとうございました!

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