Hi to whoever came across my answer,
You are in luck, I wanted to write an updated answer to whoever is going through a situation like Tagreed did. I was looking through countless posts and answers to this question and just wanted a straight foward THIS IS WHAT I DID, HERE’S HOW I DID IT AND GOOD LUCK! So here’s exactly what happened and what I did based off of everything I read and it worked! My iPhone is working right now.
My phone is the iphone7 and had gotten wet with it’s case on and left that way for about maybe 15 min without me realizing it. So when I finally noticed going back to get my phone, I dried it off super quick and blew air in the speaker holes thingy’s and charger hole. The screen went crazy on me also, it started clicking stuff on it’s own and I started seeing lines through it and my heart dropped! So I ended up removing the compartment that contains the sim card using a sewing needle I had and it’s pretty thick, you just have to poke it into then little circle hole near that compartment (Google if you don’t know what I’m talking about, it will show you pictures where it is). And I did that immediately then dried that off with a paper towel and blew into that hole as well. Then I turned off my phone and left it in the heat inside my car’s dashboard as I ran some errands. I took it back inside my phone and left it near a window in a somewhat sunny-ish area for a couple days. Still without the sim card or the little part you put the sim card into, I left that off to the side in a safe place. Then on the second day of not turning it on… it worked fine! It dried up whatever water was inside it on it’s own and with the proper time. DO NOT TURN ON YOUR PHONE AFTER JUST 1 DAY, IT’S STILL IN THE PROCESS OF DRYING UP AND IF YOU DON’T LET IT DRY PROPERLY IT WILL NEED ABOUT $100 OR MORE WORTH OF REPAIR TO TAKE IT IN SOMEWHERE AND GET IT FIXED. Be patient and if it doesn’t work you literally did the best thing for your phone health in that situation anyways, iphone repair stores will charge less with less damage to the iPhone.
Hope this helps!
ps don’t try rice it doesn’t help at all.
My iPhone 7 Plus got washed. My haptic button doesn’t work. But the thumbprint home button is on my screen and I can tap it and it will allow me to change screens. How can I get that back to the home button?
Thank you
Mark Twain Mathis さんによる