
Google PixelはGoogleから発売された最初のスマートフォンで、2016年10月26日に発売されました。5インチのAMOLEDディスプレイを搭載したこのデバイスには32GBもしくは128GBのオプションがあり、 ベリーシルバー(Very Silver)、クワイトブラック(Quite Black)とリアリーブルー(Really Blue)から選べます。

20回答 すべてを表示

Fixing the microphone issue

I am suffering the microphone issue and there is not official service in my country, so, Is there a way to fix the main microphone issue?


Update (05/18/2017)

Testing and testing, as nothing else could be done, i was able to record my voice using the main mic. My guess is that it still works, but something is interfering with the sound entering the phone.

Should I open it? Why should I look? How is the process of unstucking the diaphragm of the mic (as I read in the google forums that it can be one of the causes).


Update (06/30/2017)

Finally, I bought the Charging Port PCB, I replaced it and the mic works really nice again. The main mic is in that PCB, so I finally replaced my phone. :)

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


スコア 10
10 件のコメント

Have you tried a factory reset? If not, do so.


Google acknowledged that some of the "microphone problems" were due to a "hardware problem" .

see Google Help Forum here: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#...

I have had luck toggling the speaker phone on and off on mine, but that only solves the issue for that call.


I've tried everything, factory reset included. The only thing that helps is, as Christopher Williams says, toggling the speaker phone on and off. I hope there is a solution, I need to fix it.

Thanks everybody for the comments.


Watching the teardown of the Pixel XL, I can see that the main Microphone is attached to the "Charge Port PCB". If I can buy (where?) and replace myself that pcb, is it possible that I can solve my problem?

Any idea is welcome, I don't want to lose a phone like this for a relative small issue.


So, anybody recommends a place where to buy the whole PCB? I can't find it in stock anywhere.







Hey guys i found a fix for the mic problem IF YOUR PROBLEM IS HARDWARE RELATED. So through some research I saw that the problem is that the Qualcomm WCD9335 audio codec chip located on the back of the motherboard has a tendency to have some of the solder joints disconnect and cause audio issues. I found a fix but its a little bit of work. So you basically need to reflow the solder on the audio chip to restore the connections. I accomplished this by removing the motherboard from the phone and heating the entire board for about 30 secs with a precision heat tool and then covering the board with foil except for a cut out where the audio chip is located. I heated the chip for another 20 secs and then waited for the board to cool down to room temperature before reassembly. So far it seems to have worked, its been about a week. I used the tear down of the google pixel XL as reference when I did this. NOTE: DO NOT OVERHEAT THE BOARD, USE MINIMAL HEAT AND GO SLOW!


スコア 5

15 件のコメント:

I'm asking for a techie friend to do that. My pixel is still under delivery to him.

How long have you been using the phone since you do this fix? Yours is XL or the non-XL?


3 weeks and the fix works for both sizes of the phone


Hi Brendan,

on behalf of my friend here (and mine of course). Could you highlight the location of the audio chip on the motherboard. We want to be double triple confirmed so that we won't mess anything else. If it doesn't trouble you that'd be awesome and greatly helpful.




This link has my phone's motherboard pics. You can highlight there.



This is a pic from the ifixit tear down of the pixel XL, although it is not the non-XL the components are all located in the same relative locations. The chip in the lighter blue square near the center of the board is the audio chip.




Ifixit's teardown is for the pixel XL. It is likely different for that phone. Besides, replacement of the microphone wouldn't cut it. A microphone is an analog device, like headphones. That means, no digital signals are being sent between the mic and motherboard. So if toggling the speaker phone fixes the problem, it can't be fixed by replacing the mic.

Try downloading audio recorder from the play store. Take a recording and see if you can hear it.

If you can hear from the recording, installing a third party phone app should fix it. If you don't have it already, install your carrier's phone app.

Hope this help!


スコア 4

3 件のコメント:

Hi! Thanks for answering. I believe I didn't understand clearly (english is not my native language). So, to clarify:

When I make or receive a call, I can only talk using the speakerphone. When in a call, I turn on and off the speakerphone, the other person still can't hear me.

Using audio recorder apps, I just hear noise (when selecting main microphone). If i knock on the mic, I get that sound on the recording. When selecting camera mic (?), I can record audio just fine.

So, my idea remains. If i could buy the "OEM Google Pixel Charge Port PCB" somehow, replacing it should fix my problem, right?


@nicomibanez would you prefer if I used a translator?

Probably not. You can try it though.


@pccheese Translators aren't really accurate, I should read better/slower next time.

Thanks for your help!



pls repair the WCD9335 Ic with new and you would be amazing coz it work with this


スコア 2


Where you did the repair?

Can I do it myself?

Please share your email or whatsapp number to contact you.



Where u also unable to record audio in a video recording? I have similar issues so just wanted to know


スコア 1

Hi Nicolas, can you leave me a link where I can purchase the charging port pcb?


スコア 0


Here are some parts for the google pixels.




Hey bro, pixel user from Malaysia here. Just wondering about your fixed microphone. Does it still working good? Do you think the problem will return again?

Also, does your headphone jack work, mine does not and i suspect it happens in relation to my microphone as well. Will changing the PCB fix this too?



スコア 0

8 件のコメント:


Check this Instagram @itsberrynice_repair

Whatsapp them

Its costs around 550 RM

Pcb port not the solution


that's kinda way expensive. any other places?

or cheaper?


Hi all,

My Pixel phone just had the issue with the microphone today. All of the sudden the microphone is not working while making phone calls/WhatsApp call. I tried factory reset but the issue still remain the same. Anyone can help me? I have been using this phone for 14 months.


Hi all,

My Pixel phone just had the issue with the microphone today. All of the sudden the microphone is not working while making phone calls/WhatsApp call. I tried factory reset but the issue still remain the same. Anyone can help me? I have been using this phone for 14 months.


I also am having the microphone issue. Since my Pixel is nearly 15 months old, neither Verizon nor Google will do anything for me. Any advice would be appreciated.

If you are having the same issues and haven't tried yet, Verizon did a software update, turned of HD calling, installed a new SIM card, and did a hard restart. Google recommended taking the phone back to factory settings. None of the above worked for me but you may what to try if you haven't already.





This was a bad experience with google pixel. All of a sudden microphone is not working after 13 months of usage.

Went to Service center to address the issue and got that a complete Motherboard replacement can fix the issue. I didnt go for this as its costs me more.

I looked into several blogs on this and finally got a solution at lower cost.

'Qualcomm WCD9335' chip replacement can fix the microphone issue.

Google Pixel XL Teardown this will help you to open google pixel.


スコア 0

6 件のコメント:

How much was the total cost of repairs? price for the chip Qualcomm WCD9335?

Where are you located? Did you do it yourself?


I am from Hyderabad, india. I havent done with the fix, but wants to do it.

Wcd9335 will cost around 5-20$ in ebay or alibabaexpress sites.

I have been waiting for this chip to deliver.

But 100% sure this chip will fix the microphone issue.


same problem here with my pixel.

did wcd chipset fix your problem?

and where can i find that chipset?

im also from india


did anyone try changing the chip? It worked? I have the same issue


Actually i faced this issue and tried all those things, finally came to know that audio ic need to replace. But having little confusion wcd 9335 the same ic used in Samsung s7 and s7 edge, shall use it or any other suggestions.





Hello! I have the problem with mike, 3.5 jack and acoustic speaker, so nothing can hear me, and also I can not hear anything, but if I turn on a loud speaker so I can hear all, but no me.

I have just solved the problem in safe mode of my pixel phone, but I can't use other apps unfortunately.

Who also solved the problem with mike or acoustic speaker?


スコア 0


I have this same problem, My pixel freeze and reboots when someone calls me or when I tried to play some sound via build in speakers.

So i've buyed a replacement daughter board ( since i've read that where lies the problem ).

With this replacement the phone stops to freeze but the microphone wont work anymore, I don't know if the problem its with the new daughter board or in the maid board itself.


スコア 0

22 件のコメント:

Try Brendan Peterson's method above. It works for me


Hello azri hasbullah, can you contact me please. A lot of thing i want to ask you about this method


Salam amirul ridhuan. Give me a link to any of your social media accounts. Talk there


Hi @bigua.kun. Have you fixed the microphone problem? I'm facing the same problem. But I don't know if I try to fix de codec audio or replace de daughter board. Any news from your case will help me a lot. Thanks man.


@douglascarvalho did you fix the phone?




The fix can be found here… Google Pixel XL Daughterboard Replacement


スコア 0

hope this will help you guys https://youtu.be/t02cmNKHYSs


スコア 0

I find that removing the protective case restores the function of my regular Mike tried this with a couple cases I have a pixel 2XL


スコア 0

My Google pixel all sound off plz fix it. I already trying downgrade because I think this is software problem but not solve my problem. Plz help me


スコア 0

Please Replace the Daughter Board and it working as usual


スコア 0


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