
対象のモデルはA1419 / EMC 2806 / Late 2014 または Mid 2015。 3.3 または 3.5GHz Core i5 または 4.0GHz Core i7 (機種ID iMac15,1)、EMC 2834 late 2015 / 3.3 または 3.5 GHz Core i5 または 4.0 GHz Core i7 (機種ID iMac17,1)のRetina 5Kディスプレイを搭載したすべて。

20回答 すべてを表示

M.2 SSD Installation iMac 27 "5K Retina


Is it possible to install Samsung 250GB 960 EVO SSD, M.2, NVMe, 3200/1500 MB / s Apple iMac 27 "Retina 5K, late 2014?

Thank you!

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スコア 4



They just don't seem to work very well even with the adapters. I would stay with either an original Apple stick (high dollar) or go with an OWC stick (I don't think they make one yet for this model as they only list these upgrades https://eshop.macsales.com/upgrades/imac...).

It's also very difficult to install: iMac Intel 27インチ Retina 5K Display Blade SSDの交換

Personally I'd add just a standard SSD drive like this: 27インチiMacにSSDを追加する方法 (Late 2015)

iMac Intel 27" Retina 5K Display Blade SSDの画像


iMac Intel 27インチ Retina 5K Display Blade SSDの交換



2 hours

iMac Intel 27" Retina 5k Display SATA HDDからSATA SSDへの交換方法の画像


27インチiMacにSSDを追加する方法 (Late 2015)



30 minutes - 1 hour


スコア 4

8 件のコメント:


thanks for the answer. What kind of SSD do you recommend to iMac, which would be quick and easy to change?


See the last link I gave. As to which drive, it's kind of according to how much storage you need, how readable it needs to be and if you plan on setting up a fusion drive. The fusion drive would be my choice.


Thanks for the answer. I have a 1TB Fusion Drive on the Mac but it's very slow? Can Fusion Drive and SSD Partition Separate?


First get a handle on how a fusion drive works: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/what-is-app...


Thanks for the information. I read the article. Say your opinion on whether it makes sense to switch to Fusion Drive -> SSD?

Is it possible to distinguish Fusion Drive from SSD, partition etc ..?

Thank you mayer!




I replaced my stick and its not a change at all I get the 1 Terabyte but the speed is about the same just volume gain thats ok. I never had a fusion drive so I did get to put in a 500 G where there was none, thats a gain to and faster than external by just a bit. The NVME is better off on the outside if you have a fusion drive inside its a easy change up.

If there is going to be a Firmware update to stop the bottlenecking on the 15,1 27” iMac then we will see a gain.

Personally I thought the process of putting in a new SSD was very easy I had to add the cable and heat sensor so if I was going all the way I threw in the new stick too. Yes, you're going all the way in, so really if you follow the fix it instructions its easy. I would do it again in a minute. Biggest worries don’t drop the screen.


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