
Repair guides and support for netbooks produced by Asus, including the Eee PC line.

171回答 すべてを表示

Why is my computer not going any farther?

I have a Asus netbook touch screen and when you power it on the word Asus pops up then it will say something like removing problems or something like that. The asus word is still on there then the words change to diagnosing your pc and the little dots just keep circling around like its wanting to load but still nothing. I have had it turned on lile this for about half hour 45 mins right now. PLEASE HELP ME

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Ok it came on now I am looking at a screen that is sideway do you know what to do for that its a touch screen



1 件の回答


Best bet is to just let it run for a day or so. Ive had this happen to and after a few hours it finally goes away and works fine. So just plug it in and leave it until it goes away.

If its been a day of doing this and it still hasent gone away, report back to me here and i will help you figure this out.

Hope this helps. If it did please hit the accept answer button!


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