

20回答 すべてを表示

Why can I not place calls?

My Samsung Galaxy S7 recently stopped being able to place calls. I can still recieve calls, send and recieve messages and use data. The only this that is not working is outgoing calls. When I attempt to make a call the phone says "dialing" and the after a few seconds, it says call ended and hangs up without ever connecting the call.

If restart my phone in safe-mode and clear the cache, I can make one call successfully but then it stops working again.

I would guess that the problem would be resolved by factory resetting my device, but Iam still holding out hope that it wont come to that.


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スコア 10
8 件のコメント

i had faced this 'call ended' problem in my Samsung Note4 did lot of trial oprations like factory reset,sim card replacement, setting changes in mobile. Funny thing samsung service center was suggested to replace processor they had quoted more service cost. Finally one simple action did now rectified this problem, that to disable the 'VOLTE' option. Moreover this may not suitable all users. you can try it one of the rectify activities.


I had the exact same problem.

Added sixty minutes and the problem was solved!

Yeah if you use up all your minutes you can still surf the web

and send/receive text messages but you can't make any calls!


I did not understand what is Volte and how do you solve this issue


I tried the link by jayeff, and after

Following the prompts at that site, my S7 running 7.0 didn't even have the Call Barring option in the menu. Any ideas?


I'm trying still my outgoing call is not responding. By having Samsung galaxy J8 ...







Check in the Phone app settings that outgoing calls have not been barred.

Not sure if it is applicable to Samsung, it is on my ZTE android phone, but try the following:

Go to Phone app > more > Settings > call blocking and see if there is an option to block outgoing calls.

(on my phone it is Phone app > Settings > Voice call > call barring > All outgoing calls > enabled/disabled.)

Hopefully this is of some help.


スコア 6

9 件のコメント:

Thanks for the suggestion @jayeff , but sadly I checked and there is no call barring option in the Phone app settings for the Galaxy S7 and the call blocking menu only gives the ability to create a list of blocked incoming numbers.

Thanks again.


Hi @nbrown8941

Try this link

Press the blue arrow to scroll through the procedure for "I can't make voice calls"



@nbrown8941 Did you ever solve your issue? I have the exact same problem on the Verizon Galaxy S7. I have even changed SIM Cards, and the problem still continues.


No, we were not able to solve the issue. We even tried a full factory reset of the device to rule out any configuration or software issues. After the reset it still happened, but only intermittently (one day a week or so) and during those times we just used Skype for calls. In the end we had to replace the phone.


My phone did this too a few months before the battery swelled and and pushed the phone apart. I called Samsung about this because the Internet was full of posts saying the same thing. They email me a shipping label and told me they would repair it at no cost. 13 days later they sent it back to me saying that it could not be repaired with no other explanation. I thought that at the very least they would have sent me back a refurbished one especially since it was a known problem and it started acting up before the warranty was up.




I know it's a few months ago since this post, however I fixed mine pretty easy. I have a Verizon phone on a T-Mobile network. I set up the VPN how it should be etc etc.

Outgoing calls: Seldomly worked but 90% of the time it would dial out then a few seconds later hang up without ringing.

Incoming Calls: perfectly fine!

Fix: swipe down from the very top of your screen. Click on settings icon > advanced calling > advanced calling turn on/off HD voice and video call.> Turn off this setting. And Voila! Back in business.


スコア 6

9 件のコメント:

Where is this advanced calling setting on the Galaxy S7 edge. I cannot find it on mine.


I have T-mobile network. Not sure if this advanced calling setting is different on different network?


Omg life saver! This worked!


I can't find the advance calling setting, where is it?


Had the same thing. Turning off HD fixed it.

I'm not sure how it got turned on. But I did have a Samsung update that I put off until Friday after work (in order to not have to deal with a bricked phone during work time). Tried a bunch of the other internet fixes..this one was it.




So i was trying to figure this out for about 2 days and i think i found it basically it went like this (Home screen ->>> my dialer/contacts app ->>> three dots in the up right corner ->>> settings ->>> More settings ->>> Show my caller ID. Now the important thing about that is when you operator doesnt let you hide your number you cant use the option and it just automatically cancells your call request. Found that working for me :D


スコア 4

4 件のコメント:

2+ hours on hold with support with no help and fixed in no time when I finally stumbled upon this while waiting . . . . THANK YOU!


Worked for me too! I was so stupid thinking I could hide my number. Thank you so much.


Mine won't let me switch it. It isn't reading data


Had the same problem with my Samsung s7edge and this quickly solved my problem. Thanks a lot



I put a new simm in my Galaxy J7 from AirvoiceWireless. I could call it, and send and receive texts. But I couldn't make outbound calls. Every once in a while, in the split second before it dialed, I saw a different number flash across the screen ( not long enough for me to write it down) and then the number I had dialed appeared. But a recorded voice always would say "call cannot be completed - please try again." I put the new AirvoiceWireless simm in my Moto G and it worked fine. I put the Moto's simm in the Samsung and I couldn't call out. So since I could see the problem stayed with the hardware, I called Samsung tech support. She was great. She walked me through clearing the system cache, then had me unhide system apps and clear the cache of 3 phone apps that appeared. No luck. Then she had me bring it up in safe mode.... voila, it worked. So she had me bring it back up in regular mode and it didn't work. She told me to uninstall whatever new third party apps had been installed but the only things installed in the last 4 months were system updates and a few little supporting things for the AirVoiceWireless simms and I didn't know how to uninstall any of those. So next she had me reset preferences on all apps. (settings -> apps -> 3 upper right dots -> Reset App Preferences) That did the trick. Whew! Now I can call out.


スコア 2


Yes it worked for me also.

Thanks alot



I was also facing the same issue in Samsung S7.

Then i changed the setting in the phone menu

phone menu -> setting -> more settings -> show my call id - > show my number in outgoing calls according to the default operator settings

Hope this helps


スコア 1

i had this problem got no help from anywhere so i checked all parts in my case it was the loud speaker i replaced that and working perfect :)


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

Never had this problem until today at the most inconvenient time. I was all set to be caller 25 for a radio contest and they say call now and I hit dial and instant hangup and call shows "cancelled" in the call log. I do have the call barring thing but cant do anything in that section as it has some mystery password. I noticed someone mentioned the caller ID setting so I looked at mine and it was set as "show my caller id" I changed it to "Network default" hit redial and it went through and rang.


Had the same problem since yesterday. I tried your post and "viola" I'm back in business.



Hi everyone, I tried in call settings everything to sich on/off and after that was able to call again.

Maybe some kind of bugg in system.

Now everything is OK!


スコア 0


what? i don't understand your sentence.



I had this problem on a S7 as well but none of the above fixed my issue. In my case I had zello installed and it was conflicting with the phone app and causing it to immediately hang up when I dialed. I uninstalled zello and my phone is working fine again.


スコア 0

Add your operator i fixed my fone in 2 min


スコア 0

Hi gays every communication company have a code to cancel any call conditions search on it in the internet call it and enjoy.


スコア 0

I had this problem. I noticed on a lot of my Wi-Fi devices, they wouldn't work with my phone sometimes, and I've noticed at least 1 reason. May not work all the time. But starts working instantly once I change it. I have 2 routers in my house, 1 for the kids, 1 for everything else, I simply changed to my Wi-Fi signal from the one the kids use to the other one, I can make calls instantly, or print instantly, chrome cast instantly, just make sure your not a blocked router, I have nothing about making calls on my router I believe, but for whatever reason, if I simply change what Wi-Fi network I'm connected to, it works. Hope this helps. Thanks


スコア 0

I had a similar issue with my samsung galaxy s7 verizon. The only difference between my issue and the one discussed in this thread is that when i try calling on my phone using another phone, it just says “User Busy”.

i solved it when i found out that i messed up a little bit in my mobile networks setting where i selected preferred network mode to LTE/ CDMA instead of selecting global or LTE/ GSM/ UMTS.

I fixed my issue and now my phone is running very fine.


スコア 0

Go in home screen>>>>settings>>>>connections>>>>mobile networks>>>>and turn off VoLTE calls


スコア 0

thanks to this forum…

before reading this… i tried

1 restarting my samsung

2. VOLTE on off

  1. airplane mode
  2. i’ve tried everything

finally, my way to solve it was… call button, key pad, top 3 dots, settings, call waiting off and wifi calling off, show caller ID -default to operator settings


スコア 0


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